Sunday, November 1, 2009
protesting visa/chasebank!!
I urge you to help me by protesting VISA/CHASE BANK!!! I have been with this credit card company since 2004 and have never been late on a payment. My son who is in the Marines phoned in September to tell me that he has been placed on standby to deploy to Afganastan. Being a new mom to the military i was STUNNED..SHOCKED AND OF COURSE...UPSET!!! Well, i admit that i did not make the payment for September for the simple fact that i overlooked it...wasnt thinking about thoughts were of my son. When will he leave..?? How long will he be gone??? etc... I sent visa/chasebank 2 payments in October to cover the past month and the current month. For my statement i received in Novemeber, my payment went up. I called to question this and i was told that due to being behind in September my APR % went up!! It went from 16% to 26%!!! My payment went from $188 to $227! I called again to ask for an adjment of the late fee's or, loweing the payments as a curtisey for my almost 6 years of loyal service to this company. I was refused. I called again and again in the same day and was told the same thing. One rep. was going to put me on a payment plan but stated it had to be drafted out of my checking account. I declined that offer. My comment was.. for 5 1/2 years i have used this card.. made my payments on time but, i miss one month with a good reason and they are punishing me? If she had reviewed my history she would have seen that i have always mailed in my payments and i felt like i was being punished for my error! This rep ask me why i was having a HARDSHIP paying my bill? How much i brought in each pay period? I told that i was NOT having a hardship..i just missed one mistake..i admitted it!! but, to no availe NO HELP ONCE AGAIN!
I finally ask to speak to a supervisor. The 4th-5th rep states itwould not change anything about my account. The superviosr was just a rude as the previous reperasenatives for this company. Well, the girl was right. I ask to speak to her supervisor. She stated rudlely that she was in charge and her upper management would NOT ACCEPT MY CALL. She must be contacted via mail...but, she too would not change anything to my account. My comment was:"this is why so many people file bankrupsey" she stated that was my choice..???? No choice.. i dont want to file..i was just stating a fact.. I want to pay my account!! i owe it.. i'll pay it..but, it PISS'S ME OFF THAT AFTER HAVING A GOOD HISTORY IN THE PAST WITH THIS COMPANY I MISS ONE PAYMENT AND I AM BEING TREATED LIKE CRAP!!! WELL, IF THEY AS A COMPANY CAN NOT HELP ME OUT I REFUSE TO SUPPORT THIS COMPANY ANY FURTHER!!! I AM POSTING THIS BLOG TO INFORM YOU ABOUT THE TREATMENT YOU TOO WILL RECIEVE FROM THIS COMPANY IF YOU FALL BEHIND A MONTH FOR SOME REASON!!
I work in my local hospital in the financial department. I know about payments...hardships...and just plain out not paying your account!!! I know acceptions are made! and that "IF" you contact us we will try our best to work out a plan for you sooooo we dont/wont have to hunt you down...send your account to collections...file court fee's ..garnish your check. If you help us.. we will help you!! BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE WITH VISA/CHASE BANK...!!! Public beware!!!
sooooo, what am i going to do you ask?? first i am going to write this letter to management just to explain that some people have legit reasons from time to time...and to state how rude the customer service was and that apperantly this company is not pulling or supporting the military and that is a shame to us who have family in the service!!! And, this is what i have done...i opended up an account with DISCOVER. zero interest till april 2010. I am moving my balance with visa to discover..i will be saving interest and visa will not be getting anymore of MY CASH!!! THE REP FROM DISCOVER ASK WHY I DECIDED TO CHOOSE THEIR COMPANY? I told her VISA/CHASE BANK MADE up my mind for me! and then i asked if i had any issues such as this one, would discover work with its customers? The rep stated... MOST DEFINITALY!!! And now I vow TO NEVER EVERRRR HAVE ANY OTHER CREDIT CARDS/ACCOUNTS WITH VISA AND OR CHASE BANK!! Sooo people before you get yourself a visa card.. please keep this in the back of your mind. If they treat one person like crap they will another..and..they will do so very rudely.. they do not value you as a loyal customer!! soooo if one by one we stop using them.. they may change their tunes...attuidues and actually value our loyality!!
Thanks for letting me vent!!! Please support me and tell everyone you know about this company and urge them to go with mastercard or discover ANYONE BUT VISA/CHASE BANK.!!