Originally Posted by Northern California
I need some information about this company, they are offering larges amounts of money to recruit people from other mlm...
We just had a bad experience with IGI, we don't wanna fall again...
please, any kind of information, bad or good...
Ryan Blair, with PathConnect gets your information then sends it to his ViSalus Reps and you are now being scamed out of money and a false promise of hope. This is not a legitimate MLM company, they are the MLM company that gives MLM's such a bad name PLEASE GET THE WORD OUT THERE!
Well, THEY ARE A SCAM in Alaska they are targeting Arbonne Consultants. If ViSalus was a memeber of the DSA maybe they would know they are being unethical. Too bad so many people will finance a BMW that they can't afford to begin with, then when ViSalus gets BUSTED and shut down, they will be stuck with it. Yes the rumors are true, there is a price tag on each Arbonne Consultants head!
1. Deceptive or Unlawful Consumer or Recruiting Practices
No member company of the Association shall engage in any deceptive, unlawful or unethical consumer or recruiting practice. Member companies shall ensure that no statements, promises or testimonials are made which are likely to mislead consumers or prospective salespeople.
1. Prior to 1993, the Code protected only the ultimate users or consumers of our products and services. The 1993 amendments extended protection to our independent sales representatives. The amendments were not intended to include "proselytizing" or salesforce raiding disputes within the jurisdiction of the Code, except to the extent that such disputes involve allegations of deceptive, unlawful or unethical recruiting practices or behaviors aimed at potential salespeople. As used in this section, "unethical" means violative of the U.S. DSA Code of Ethics.