My package was sent out last Tuesday to head from CA to me. According to the transit time map, that put my estimated delivery on or about Friday or the following Monday. I was informed up front that if I missed the delivery, a $50 fee would be charged. Friday and Monday came and went. Then, on Tuesday I was called late in the afternoon to set up a delivery for Wednesday between 9am and 1pm. So Wednesday I sat around all morning and waited for the package to come. I waited, and waited. 1pm came and went. What the heck?
At 2pm I called the carrier. Where's my package? I was then put on hold for about 15-20 minutes. When she finally came back online, I was informed that my package required a liftgate truck. They had put it on a regular truck, and so couldn't make the delivery today. She said the local hub would call me later in the afternoon to reschedule. So- I had waited all day for a delivery that didn't come, and now I had to wait for a phone call to reschedule. I called them back and asked if I could pick it up at the hub. The CS rep told me they were driving it back to Illinois, and I'd have to wait.
I was informed I would be penalized $50 if I was not available to accept the delivery. I went out of my way and made damn sure I was there to sign for it today, but it never came. Shouldn't I be compensated for my time? According to them, no- too bad. Oh, and by the way make sure you take time off tomorrow to wait another 4 hours for your package. Otherwise, it's $50 in our pockets. Wow- I have better things to do tomorrow than wait for you guys to get your act together.
I'll update tomorrow and report if I actually get the stupid thing or not.