I am aware that on a number of occasions you have had unauthorized access to my account.
I would like to make clear to your company that on first instance I entered into a contract with yourselves was to take advantage of your free offer.
I did not agree or give you consent to making withdrawals from my account from that point forward irrespective of whether I order goods or not.
I am aware of the number of times you have accessed my account in attempt to fraudulently obtain money.
I would like to draw your attention to two recent attempts of entering my account date 15th 07.09 in which you attempted to withdraw £31.90. Total £63.80.
I am kindly requesting and make crystal clear that you re-credit my account with this amount immediately as I DID NOT then, now or in the near or distant future sign up/or consent to YOUR COMPANY VIV3LAB LTD.
If I do not see in my bank statement a credit of the above amount on the above date, I will be taking the matter further.
I await a response in an email
[email protected]
Last order date 6.07. 09 all previous orders are being checked to any card holder to the same address.