I purchased a Vivitar ViviCam 6330s in 10/2006 from Office Depot. It was a wonderful little camera with a sharp screen and produced great prints. That's where the good news ends. I only got 30 pictures on a charge and I was having trouble putting the battery in and taking it out of its casing. It looked like the battery had been sliced at the top, so I thought it was defective. I was able to finally make contact with a representative (after many tries) who told me to return the battery and they would replace it. I shipped it to Vivitar in California on 1/27/07 and verified a week later that they had my old battery. When I didn't receive a new battery or hear from them in about a week to 10 days, I called again and was told that the batteries were backordered and I would have to wait till Mid March for a new battery! That meant another 6 weeks! When mid March came and went, I tried to contact them again, and again, and again, etc. It has become impossible to reach them by phone, email, or fax. They don't respond to any form of communication. I have even written a letter to the CEO to describe their terrible customer service, and haven't heard from him or his representatives. What kind of company is this? I reported them to the Better Business Bureau also and haven't had a response. I am totally frustrated over this issue, as I can't use the camera. The battery isn't sold anywhere but through Vivitar, as it is a specialized battery.
20480 E. Business Parkway
City of Industry, CA 91789
909-859-8500 (phone)
909-348-6390 (fax)
Note: I originally mailed my battery to Vivitar in Oxnard CA which was the address shown on the website. I assumed they have moved, as the website is now showing the City of Industry address. That is where I sent the complaint letter to the CEO.