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South Africa

Vodacom Reviews

Petersur June 3, 2010
Business contract & no phone
To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is a formal complaint with regards to a non existing service that I receive from Vodacom.

I have had my contract with Vodacom for 13 years.
Over the past couple of years I have always struggled with Vodacom’s service but now it has reached a point that is not acceptable any more. It was time for my upgrade last year and I went to Clearwater Branch, I advised them what I was looking for in a phone and they suggested the Nokia N 97.This was the top of the range according to Vodacom. As this is a business phone it is very important that I have a phone that is in top condition.

After a few weeks I realized that there was a problem with the phone as it was always flat and it would cut out while I was on a call. I then went to Vodacom and requested them to check the phone, they advised me it was because I had an old sim card.
The sim card was replaced and a few settings were changed. They informed me that this would resolve the problem.

However the same problem occurred, they then sent my phone in to be checked. After a long fight about the service they provided me with a very plain Vodafone in order for me to have a phone. Upon receiving my phone back the same problems still occurred. Then I accidentally dropped the phone and it was broken. I then sent the phone in and was informed that as I had insurance on the phone they would replace it and I could choose another phone that would suite me better. Only then I must pay R. 680, 00 because o don’t want the same problematic phone! Which I then did but again was informed that they would fix my phone now this has been going on for the past 6 months and when last week I went to Vodacom to collect my phone it was still damaged as they replaced the same screen on the phone. Than I found out that the price that the phone should have been insured for was R.8600, 00 and now I want to change my phone for a E…. and the insured price is around R. 3500, 00? I had to find out myself that the problem can only can be sorted out by Nokia them selves. Then I contacted Vaughan from the clear water branch to inform him of this. He then requested Vodacom Cresta to send it there but after 14 day it was not send in and they tried to give me my broken mobile back again.

I have now been without a phone and no replacement phone for the past 5 months. I therefore stopped payment on my account as I want this problem to be resolved. I spend allot of money with Vodacom and it’s a business phone where I am loosing allot of money due to the nature that I don’t have an operating phone.

Now Vodacom has blocked my phone completely and require an R 1720 security deposit from me which I refuse to pay as I still don’t have a phone. I called the call centre and requested my phone to be unblocked and remove the request for the security deposit and was advised that a supervisor would call me back to resolve the problem but I am still waiting.

Vodacom has a contract with me that means that I have to do my part of the contract and Vodacom has to fulfill their part of the contract. It now seems that Vodacom is hyding behind their franchise and that they must resolve the problem. Vodacom does not supply me with a new contract every time I upgrade my contract. Vodacom has also not supplied me with an insurance policy of my phone, I don’t have anything to have an overview of what Vodacom has provided me with

All I am asking for is for a Cell phone that is working and my account to be unblocked as I have paid everything up to date. I am sure that is not too much to ask as you are supposed to be my service provider.

I have had this contract for 13 years and this is how you treat a long term customer.

Please note that I live in Tarlton and have to drive up and down to Clear water mall. That means 6x 50km = 300km = 40 ltr. Of petrol @ R. 8.57= R. 342.80!

I have lost so much business because of Vodacom and need my number to be activated.

I believe this letter will be treated with a matter of Urgency.

Please contact me urgently to resolve this problem.


Elias Mokoena May 25, 2010
phone blocked
My phone has bieng blocked so now is not working.I need your help, i have being using this phone for 3 months and is insured but i can't remember a policy number.
carloscott May 18, 2010
Bad Service
Good day I am highly frustrated with the type of service I am getting from the vodacom group. Firstly I took out a contract with these guys insured my phone
Happy I was until the piece of crap broke and would not charge. As it being insured
I returned my phone to the store to be repaired I am told this will take 14 days .They did not even have a loan phone I could use so now I am paying for a contract but no phone to use. More than 14 days later imp still have not been contacted by the store
And still I have no phone. In response I go to the store and guess my phone was not yet there I am told we call you when it gets here. Another goes by still no phone I contact store and the repairs persons and guess what my phone has been repaired and
Dispatched to Johannesburg and in Cape Town by mistake someone sent it to Johannesburg two weeks later I receive my phone pay my access to my insurance happy done highly upset but anyone can mistakes. Now here goes round two a week later the same problem occurs phone not charging again I return it to the store yet again I have to send it back for repairs and no loan for me. Almost now a week later
I contact the store and repairpersons and guess what I am told the phone is beyond repairable.1 what sort of workmanship repair breaks after a week. On calling my insurance I am told I have to pay double access for what all the bad service so I have been kept sitting on the line for nearly 3 months for you guys to tell me I need to pay you guys double for bad workmanship and bad service and bad communications between store and repair centre and insurance not my problem I feel I am being cheated out of money buy you guys and feel someone or something needs to be done
Cause I cant anymore if nothing gets done I suppose I am going to have to make this a liker tabloid storie.
Marianne XXX May 9, 2010
Gave me wrong phone
8th May 2010

To Whom It May Concern

With the following letter, I wish to tell you (and lodge a formal complaint against some staff working at Vodacom, South Africa)
RE: My HTC TYTN II Cellphone

I was living in Shanghai, China when my husband bought me a HTC TYTN II Cellphone (December 2008). He came to visit us in Shanghai and brought me the phone. From day one, I have been having problems (please see below for list thereof) with the phone. I was not able to use the phone and therefore just left it as is for some time. When I returned to South Africa in (my Passport can verify these above mentioned trips) Jul 2009, I again did not have the time to take the phone in for repairs/looked at, seeing as we have just opened our second business in Randburg (first one in Midrand) and both branches needed allot of attention then.

I think it was in Jan 2010 when the phone just was getting worse and worse (in trying to use all the functionalities) and decided to take it in for repairs. I firstly marked my phone (as anyone in their right mind would do) everywhere on it with a permanent making pen. This marking pen cannot be washed or rubbed off. A couple of days (I think 2 weeks) later I received the phone back (with the makings still on it obviously) and they said that they just reloaded all the software again and it seemed to be working fine at the time.

Then again it started giving me problems. With running the two business, I again put it off for repairs/looked at, until 26th Apr 2010. That is the day that my husband took it in for repairs/looked at.

The following are the problems that I was/am experiencing with my phone:

1. Not making sound when clicking on something to select.
2. Alarm does not go on to wake me or remind me of things.
3. Have to press several times to select something.
4. Today (20 Apr), the phone shut down and sent an error report to HTC.
5. Battery goes flat in one day.
6. Cannot take too many photo’s, the hone starts hanging. By “too many”, I mean about 5/6 photo’s.
7. When have reminders or saved sms’s, then the phone starts hanging.
8. Don’t have any music or photo’s saved on the phone, because it makes the phone hang all the time.
9. Some sms’s only receive hours later.
10. People call me, then the phone says to them that it is switched off, but the phone is never switched off.
11. The phone reboots itself.
The following happened on the day that my husband took the phone in for repairs (26th Apr 2010):

My husband booked the phone in with VODAWORLD (0027821944), in Midrand. They gave him a “Job Number/Card” (5655908) and recorded on there, the problems with the phone as I have listed above and also that they have kept the battery of my phone. Never at anytime, was my husband or I, told that we can get a “loan phone” in the time of my phone being in repairs.

The contact person listed on the “Job Number/Card” is a Mr. Fairbairn Kriel ([email protected]), but he was never available for me to talk to. I have also asked for him a couple of times.

Once my husband returned to me (in our Randburg business branch), he gave me the documents for the phone. I then decided to call in to ask how long it would take and what they will be doing to the phone. I asked to speak to Mr. Kriel, but was instead put through to a lady called Promise. I asked her what her designation is and she told me that she is the Supervisor. She also then asked me for my job number and then said that they will send it in and see what the Tech guys are going to say about the phone. I told her that I do not wish for them to again just reload the software on my phone. I told her that, clearly there is something wrong with the phone and that is why it is not working properly again. I told her that they either need to fix it (correctly this time) or give me a brand new phone. This particular phone costs allot of money. She then said that HTC does not allow them to give customers new phones when there is something wrong with the existing one. I then told her that this is the second time that I am sending the phone in and it cannot just keep on going like this. Me having the phone for a little while and then it stops working properly……I have paid for a good phone and I want a good phone!!

She then said that we will have to wait and see what the Tech guys say. I then told her that I wish to have the name/s of the people working on my phone; so that I can directly confirm with them, what they have done (it has been impossible to get hold of her again after this call) with my phone and why what they have done was done. She then said that she will be in contact with us, when she has any information on the phone.

I then told her that I need to phone back soonest, seeing as I have no other phone. She then said that I can get a loan phone from them. I then asked her why they did not mention that to my husband when he dropped off the phone in the first place!!?? I then said that my husband has to now drive all the way back to Midrand from Randburg, just to go and get a loan phone that they could have offered him while he was there??!!

My husband then went the next day to pick up a loan phone for me, to use while my phone was being looked at.

The following happened a couple of day ago (maybe 29th or 30th Apr 2010):

I called 002711-653-6721 and asked to speak to Promise. I was put through directly. I spoke to Promise and told her who I was and that I would just like to know what the progress on my phone was. She then said that she thinks that the Tech guys are just going to replace the Mother-board with a new one. I then said to her that I don’t think that this is going to work. I told her that there is something clearly wrong with the phone and that I suspect that they also just replace the motherboard the last time they had it and it did not work that time either. She said that she cannot do anything, until they give her feedback. The matter was just left there for the time being.

The following happened 2 days ago (6th May 2010):

I called 002711-653-6721 and asked to speak to Promise. The reception lady asked me my name and job number and I gave it to her. She then asked me what it was in connection with and I told her that I need to know the progress of my phone. She said that Promise is not in (seeing as she took down my details, I suspect that she was told not to put me through when I call her), but she said that she will put me through to someone else that can assist me. She put me through to a man called Tiaan. I asked him what his designation was and he said that he is one of the Tech guys. He then also asked me for my job number and said that we will receive a message shortly via sms on my husband’s phone, confirming that my phone is ready for collection. He then also mentioned that the “mother-board” was replaced, as he can see on their system. I then told him the whole story about my phone from day one that I got it (as mentioned in the beginning of this letter).

He then told me that he thinks that the phone will work properly and that I should use it for at least a week and then, should I have any further problems with it, give him a call (002711-653-6738) and he will then see what to do with the situation. I then said that Promise said that HTC refuses to replace any non-working phones. He did not respond to the statement, but said that he will try and assist me in every way he can, once the situation arises. I then thanked him for his time and said that I will most definitely let him know within one week, should any problems arise.

The following happened yesterday (7th May 2010):

My husband went to Midrand to pick up my phone. He then had some things to do and only came to me in Randburg later in the day.

When he gave me the phone, because it does not have any of my handwriting written on it (with permanent ink), I immediately saw that it was not my phone and told him to take it back. He then said that I must call the repair centre and report this first.

The following are all the calls made and spent most of my day dealing with this:

1. Tried calling 002711-653-6721 (Promise, is her name. She told me that she is the Supervisor) several times. Each time, no one answered the phone. It just kept on ringing. Never got through to anyone at all.

2. Tried calling 002711-653-6738 (Tian, is his name. He told me that he is a Tech guy) several times. Each time, no one answered the phone. It just kept on ringing. Also never got through to anyone here.

3. Called 0027821944, spoke to Lindy. I asked her politely to speak to one of the Managers or Supervisors. She asked me why and I told her that I have a serious complaint. She then put me on hold and the line was cut off after about 4 minutes on hold.

4. Called 0027821944 again and again asked to speak to a Manager or a Supervisor. I was put through to a lady called Keneilwe Maseng. I first asked her what her position in the company was and she told me, “I am the person that deals with escalations”. I asked her if she does not have some kind of proper designation and she said no.
I then proceeded in telling her about my whole situation and she said that she will investigate and get back to me 1 hour later (16:00).

5. At 16:05, Keneilwe Maseng has still not called me, so I decided to call her instead. I told the person that answered the phone, that I wished to speak to Keneilwe Maseng and I was put through to her immediately.
I asked her why she did not call me back and she said that she has finished her investigation and she was about to call me back to give me the result thereof. I don’t think that she ever took the time to actually investigate this matter. She just left the matter and ignored my plea. I want to see the proof of Keneilwe Maseng actually investigation this matter. Be it recordings, notes that were made and also the people that she spoke to.

She then said that she was told that “ONLY THE MOTHER BOARD ON THE PHONE WAS REPLACED AND NOT ANY OTHER PARTS OF THE PHONE”. I then started getting irritated and said to her that I know that this is what they said, but that is not the truth!! I said that I have told her already that this is not my phone, because I have marked each and every part (all over) of the phone with permanent (cannot remove) marking pen. She then kept on saying the same thing over and over, repeating the same sentence over and over (“ONLY THE MOTHER BOARD ON THE PHONE WAS REPLACED AND NOT ANY OTHER PARTS OF THE PHONE”) I then started shouting at her to be quiet and she just kept on repeating the same sentence over and over and over again.
I then stopped and calmly told her to put me through to her Supervisor. She then said that she does not have a Supervisor. I then told her that she is lying. She cannot be the top of the ladder, seeing as she does not even have a proper designation for her job. She then said, “it does not matter if she puts me through to anyone else, because they all will tell me the same thing”. I then told her that she cannot refuse for me to speak to someone more senior than her and she then said again that she does not have anyone more senior than her.
Needles to say, I was at my boiling point and started shouting at her, again, with her repeating the same words over and over again (“ONLY THE MOTHER BOARD ON THE PHONE WAS REPLACED AND NOT ANY OTHER PARTS OF THE PHONE”).
She then eventually said that she will put me through to a senior person. The next person that I spoke to, was a man called Paul Ontang. I asking him what his designation is and he said that he is part of call centre. I then said that I asked to speak to someone in Senior Management and asked why Keneilwe Maseng put me through to him? He said that he does not know, but maybe he can assist me with something. I then told him that I do not wish to repeat myself again. He then said that I must just tell him everything and he will try and sort it out for me.
I said ok, told him everything and then started telling him where I actually marked the phone. I first said that I marked the phone on the sim card flap. He then repeated what I have said, three times. I then stopped talking for a minute and then asked him if he is screwing around with me, by repeating everything I said, three times. I was really getting irritated by then. Then I moved one to tell him about another area and again he started repeating what I have said a couple of times. I then got so angry (seeing as it was feeling that he was mocking me, by pretending to be interested in helping me). I then put the phone down. After about 30 seconds, he called me back. I then asked him what he wanted and he said that he wants to find out exactly where my phone was marked and how. I then proceeded in telling him exactly where it was marked. He then said that he will do some investigation and then get back to me with the end result. I then asked him why he would take interest in doing this, because Keneilwe Maseng already said that they did not replace anything and that there is nothing that they can do. He then said that he knows, but he will investigate anyway.

6. I have always dealt with a man called Chris Maree at the VodaShop in Craighall/Hyde Park and thought it would be good to seek his advice. I tried to track him down, but was told that he does not work there anymore. I was then told to speak to a man called Luallen (Craighall VodaShop – 002711-781-2173). I then told Luallen my whole situation, including the problem I am now dealing with, and he told me that he will find out some things and get back to me the next day at 10:00 with some info. He said that he have had many such complaints from customers, being given someone else’s phone when the Tech guys cannot find the problems with their phones. He has still not gotten back to me as yet.
7. After the call with Keneilwe Maseng, I was so shaken up, that my husband had to take me to our doctor’s offices, to get treated for having an anxiety attack. I cannot believe that someone can make another person so angry by not wanting to admit to something that they have done wrong.

8. I then decided to start writing this letter and blast it out to as many people as I can, in order to get this corruption to an end here in South Africa!

Things that I have noted about the phone that I have received (7th May 2010):

• The phone does not have any of my handwriting on it.
• The battery also does not have my handwriting on it.
• It also has some “dots (marks)” on the screen.
• Some scratch marks. My phone still had the plastic screen cover on it.
• The “sim-slot” has some kind of mould marking on it (proof of regular use).
• The screen part is a bit bent open at the top.
• Two chip marks on the back of the screen slider.
• When you turn the phone in your hand, you can hear that something is loose inside.
• One of the “cushions” behind the screen, is broken off.
• The keyboard keys, shows marking of constant use. While I have never used it on my phone, because it was not working properly.
• The “camera-flap” in the back, has scratches on it. Where I have never had any reason to remove my flap, it is not supposed to have those kind of scratches on it.
• All the screws on the back of the screen shows tampering with is. I never have removed the screen and nor was it done last time my phone went in for repairs.
• The serial number (I.M.E.I. number) has been changed (the phone is insured and is now void, because the serial number has changed). Keneilwe Maseng said that when the Motherboard is changed, the serial number also changed. This has now created big complications on my insurance and this matter has to be dealt with!

The following happened today (8th May 2010):

No one called me about this matter, nor did I call anyone about it.


I either want MY phone back, fix properly with no more hick-ups or I want a brand new phone or all my money back!! Either one of this three, I will not settle for anything less. It is MY phone and I have paid for it. If I don’t get it back, it construed to fraud.

I wish to be reimbursed for my time spent on the phone (not being able to deal with my customers in my business properly), also, reimbursed for my petrol money, driving to and from VodaWorld (Randburg to Midrand).

The conversation with Keneilwe Maseng must have been recorded. Please find the recording and listen to it.

I never ever thought that I would experience such bad service like this.

If Vodacom wishes, I would even undergo a “lie detector test”, to proof that I am telling the truth about my markings on my phone, no problem!

Thank you,


My contact details:
Marianne Gao
[email protected]
TheCSS May 6, 2010
Bad service
Second upgrade through Vodacom...Disaster, my handsets spend more time in repairs, than with me. on top of this the vendor lays the blame on me. Absolutely shocking service from the Vodacom store Hillcrest KZN...rude. obnoxious, just trying to cover their tracks, and lay the blame on the client. Begrudgingly offering a pittance of a solution that doesn't nearly equate the trouble I've gone through. Durban complaints isn't very helpful, they're basically just acting as a go between, instead of actually doing something. Since when does the customer have to be ridiculed and justify their own actions?!
PdV March 25, 2010
Unfair practices
I would like to start by saying that my business is a Vodacom customer (and so have all my businesses ever since I bought my first cellphone about 15 years ago).

Right now, I am highly offended by their business practices. They charged me R4226 for data that Neotel charges me R220 for. That is R4000 more than what is fair. In this day and age it is a disgrace. It is immoral, unacceptable and criminal. Shame on Vodacom.

Their out of bundle rates are inconceivable. For a mistake on our behalf, we are penalized with 1920% markup. To charge your contract customers this amount for out of bundle rates is nothing but criminal.

This stands contrary to any sound business practices.
kharmse March 17, 2010
Vodacare Westgate
On the 5th of March I took my Blackberry Storm 2 in to the Vodacare store in Westgate to be swapped out for the Bold 2 9700 as per the bulletin recieved that Vodacom is recalling all Storm 2 stock. I currently have a hardcopy of this bulletin.

They told me they were out of stock and I would be notified when new stock arrived, this has not happened, I heard it through the grapevine. I went into the store only to be told that my phone is sent in for evaluation. They were supposed to swap out the phone right there and then, I know of countless people whose phones were swapped out immediately.

I phoned them again today and yet again I am being stonewalled. I have never encountered anything like this in my life. I do not have a phone, yet I'm paying for it, I cannot do my job properly because I rely on a business phone and I have been sitting without a proper phone now for almost 3 months!!!

We are sitting on the 17th of March already! How can this be taking so long! I expect this issue to be resolved IMMEDIATELY!! Vodacom will either replace my phone immediately as they are supposed to do or they will cancel all my contracts with immediate effect, and I refuse to pay the penalty.

Kind Regards

Kobus Harmse
079 503 4861
Angie de Beer March 17, 2010
Illegal activity on accountd
I have two 3G cards (250 meg and 500 meg) In October 2009 we received and bill for R1, 400, R829 November and December about R400 on the 250 mg account. Phoning vodacom constantly every week to send me itemised billing and about the dispute on this account I still did not receive the itemised billing for which I do pay R15.00 per month and my phone gets susspended every month. On my 500 meg card I received a account of R520 for the month of january 2010 when the usage on the card was not even close to the 500 meg. It is now 6 months later and still no solution about the problem. I asked vodacom to put the 250meg 3G on hold in November I still pay the R149 per month but apparently when you don't use the 3g you loose the 250meg a month so I am paying for something that I can not use. Please help! as Vodacom staff is pathetic and useless.
warren dicks March 9, 2010
vodacom over debits account
This happened to my girlfriend a while back.

we went to the ATM to draw cash only to discover that there was none in her account.
we immediately went into the branch to investigate and it was brought to our attention that her vodacom account had gone off approximately four times for the same bill. An accounts person in the branch agreed to reverse the extra debits, leaving the correct amount with Vodacom.

the amount was then retuirned unpaid and has now affected her approval for a bond on a property.

even though the correct amount had gone through she is still being penalised for their mistake.
Willem klopper February 27, 2010
Tel: 082 454 3882
Fax: 012 809 0606
E mail: [email protected]
P O Box 11354
Silver Lakes 0054________________________________ _____________________


COMPLAINT: VODACOM REF NO: 082 556 4658 en 079 873 7678 : DATA 3G

• I have a contract with Vodacom for the last 15 years on Cell 082 454 3882 (Business)
• In February 2005 I took out a contract for a 3G modem with Vodacom (500mg, p/m at a price of R 249 p/m)
• I have only used an average of only 300mb over the two year period due to a major problem with Vodacom’s 3G signal in the Silverlakes/Pretoria East area. (Still a problem!)
• After many calls and letters to Vodacom, they decided to credit me with an amount of R 7 545.47 for unused data over the 2 year contract period, and apologized for the poor coverage in the area.
• Vodacom (Menlin Park) then convinced me that they have resolved the coverage issues and now have a new 3G modem/card on the market, which will have no coverage/speed problems. I hesitantly entered into this new 2 year contract.
• Still having a problem with coverage (Could only use it, by driving away from my house to coverage areas, or on business trips), I started complaining again.
• I don’t know if Vodacom then started getting irritated with my complaints or what the reason was, but the following debits occurred on my account:
• R3 671.61; R3 182.11; R4 729.75; R6 941.00; R1 695.64; R1 067.05; and R890.64 over a 7- month period. Total: R 22 178.35 (Note the declining trend, the more I complained and threatened Vodacom)
• Only the above first two debits equals 9 packages of 10 gigabytes each (90Gb) !!, which is 180 times more per month than I have ever used! Absurd!!
• Debits on my account then reached normal R 249 p/m until the end of the contract until February 2009, when I obviously then cancelled my 3G contract with Vodacom.
• During this 7 month period and until presently, I have spent time trying to resolve the matter with Mr Fred Matthee (Executive Client Liaison Officer) and various staff members at Vodacom. I have even emailed Mr Pieter Uys (CEO), who has up to now totally ignored any correspondence. Not interested in the man in the street!

• Their hollow-backed standard approach and feedback letters are, to say the least, disgusting and typical of a large money-spinning firm, feeling absolutely nothing for the man on the street. Their service is mind-staggering poor and it is certain that not one of them have taken the time to investigate the matter.
• I have received at least 10 letters which are all standard: PC have outdated anti-virus (I have latest Norton?), music, movies, games, etc could have been downloaded (I don’t even know how, I only use internet for banking and e-mail!), etc, etc
• After checking the usage detail during the overbilling period, I also realised that most of the exorbitant usage, was during the night, even until 5am, some mornings!!
• I am 55 years old and go to bed at 22h00, and my PC and sim card is switched off and locked up during the night!
• I hereby declare that I will not accept Vodacom’s total ignorance on this matter and that I will make use of any method and tool available to wake them up and make sure that they pay directly or indirectly for their non-care attitude of the man in the street.
• Vodacom sponsors sporting events and teams, but the majority of their loyal customers are just numbers, for whom they care nothing.
• Vodacom, I will see you at your sponsored events and wherever you have presence! Whether it be in the newspapers, at your events, by mass –email or where you won’t expect us at all.
• Hundreds of my friends, specifically in the Silver Lakes area are sick and tired with your poor signal and disgusting customer service!
• Attached are photos of the beginning of this trip. Vodacom - Have a nice day(s)!
• Further prospective victims will be made fully aware of Vodacom’s ignorance and overbilling practices.


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