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Category: Electronics
Contact Information South Africa
Vodacom Reviews
Veronica Ramdhanee
February 17, 2010
vodacoms mess up with contract
Vodacom disconnected my cell 0827435968 last December. Apparently they claim I have not made three months payment. All my payments were made and faxed to them. Three months now and my phone has not been working. Vodacom keeps on telling me that they will contact me in one week everyweek and they want unnecessary details. I'm tired of waiting for my phone to be reconnected. I also had free minutes on my phone that i most probably lost due to incompetent Vodacom workers. Nobody is willing to assist me. The contract was on my brothers name but i took over because he became unemployed. Vodacom was and is of no help and aren't doing anything to reconnect my phone. They wanted a fax of the last payment and that was done weeks ago and Vodacom still did nothing. My telphone number is 0318112480/0318112475 or Prishen on 0736057593 after 6pm
January 22, 2010
Bad service
After applying for a contract with Vodacom and receiveing a faulty cellphone which was returned, after full payment has been made, Vodacom has still not refunded this amount after 6 months and 6 different request 'loggs'. Each time this refund request has been 'logged' and I would need to wait 21 working days for this payment to clear in my account, but obviously I have waited too long, and still no payment. There is never someone spesific to talk to who can give information regarding this issue and they never get back to you one any requests.
What else can I do to fix this?
January 12, 2010
vodacom deducted money from my account for a cell phone that i have cancelled.i phone them and they told me the money will be paid into my account with in 30 working days. they paid in only R150 into my account and still own me R230 i phoned them to inform them that they only paid the 150.the consumer service cant help me and they transferd me to the accounts department and they transferd me back to the customer care. I dont know what to do to get my money back i also have the proof of my bank statement to show how much money they deducted from my account .i need my money and i want it back please can you help me because i think vodacom is taking money that does not belong to them.
January 11, 2010
Vodacom sucks
I noticed on the 5th of January 2005 that Vodacom did not debit the said account. I then contacted customer service (111) to see why they did not deduct the month fees owed by me. I was told that there was no record that I had changed my account details. The account details were then changed over the phone and I requested the bank charges to be paid to be as it was though fault of Vodacom. I was told that it had to be first be investigated (fair enough). The proof of my debit order being changed was faxed the next day and my bank statement was fax on the 14 January 2005.
On the 18th January 2005 my service was suspended. I called Vodacom and was put though to the accounts department. I spoke to a very rude and unhelpful lady. She would not reconnect my phone until I paid the month’s outstanding amount and Vodacoms charge for a returned debit order. When I asked her for a team leader she said she could not put me though.
I phoned again (a few seconds later) and the person I spoke to was able to put me though to a team leader (funny that). The team leader said that he could not reconnect my phone as the CIC department was still investigating my claims that I changed my bank account details. He then told me that they did not get the faxes which I sent previously and had to resend them. I did so the next day (19 January)
That evening I called Vodacom and spoke to a lovely lady who was able to assist me. I asked her if my fax from that day had been received and she said (wait for it) that I did not need to refax as the documents sent previously were in fact on the system. She then (a day later from the previous person) was able to reconnect my account.
The next day I got a call from account department demanding the outstanding amount. Once again I had to explain the whole situation to her. She said I had to go to the bank and pay the outstanding amount. This would normally ok but I was 19 and did not own a car. There was also not standbank near my husbands work. Now should I walk the 2 hour walk from my house to the bank just to fix up the mess up Vodacom made? I don’t think so! As was previously agreed at the end of January they would debit my account of the January and Februarys subscription. I did however tell her to not debit my account of the fee Vodacom was charging me for the returned debit order and she said that there was no record of any problems or queries I was having with Vodacom so she did not know what I am talking about.
On the 25 January I got a call to say that my account had been sorted out and Vodacom was basically at fault and they would refund me the bank charges.
The next day or so I received a sms stating that I have an outstanding balance of R360.00 and if I did not pay I would be disconnected. This amount still includes the return fee for my bounced debit order. I took it as a computer generated sms as just a few days before I was told that everything was sorted out.
On the 27 January 2005 whilst trying to deal with a horrific tragedy of a young man that killed himself I reached for my phone to call his parents and you wont believe it but I was once again disconnected and at a time when I need my phone the most.
So lets recap….
* Vodacom screws up with my debit order – my phone is cut.
* After dealing with rude “customer service” staff I eventually manage to get it reconnected.
* I make arrangements for a double debit order month end – cool everything is sorted and I am happy!
* Was told that they don’t have bank statement etc – I need to refax
* Called the next day after re-faxing and I was told that I did not need to as the 1st copy sent was in fact on there system.
* Next day accounts departments bugs me and demands money (are they stupid)
* Once again agreements are made for a double debit order
* Received call on the 25 January to say everything is sorted out – YIPPY!
* Get sms demanding the money – ignored as thought it to be an error.
* Two days later my phone is ONCE AGAIN cut! But at a time when I really needed my phone!
So before I continue with my story just looking at the recap I am sure is making you frustrated. Basically Vodacom was demanding the payment for January but I never had my phone connect that often during that month because Vodacom made a mess up and did not receive payment. So it works like this – Vodacom has a legal department and are telecommunications giants and this means they can do as they wish, charge you for a service which they have not even bothered giving you.
When is enough, ENOUGH. Is a contract not a two side deal? Why should I keep my side of the contract if the other party is incapable of keeping theirs?
Well the story goes on….
On the 29 January 2005 after a month of hell and abuse from Vodacom I had enough and I prematurely cancelled my account with a long letter of why I am doing this. I refuse to pay the fee of any sort. I had hell with Vodacom and they can’t even offer an apology.
I will attached the proof of cancellation, the letter and proof of it being sent FYI.
I resent the cancellation request letter just so they can know that I was unhappy.
On the 10th February 2005 I sent my second letter of complaint – bearing in mind that no one has yet contacted me with regards to the first letter.
Also at this point I was still not refunded the money owed to me by Vodacom.
When arrangements were made for the double debit order at the end of February for the month of January and February I told them that I only authorise the debit order of R575.00 this is excluding the fee Vodacom still wanted to charge me for the returned debit order. I found out that they were still going to debit my account for the fees charged by Vodacom. Surely after all this time they have figured out what they doing! I immediately with draw all monies out of the account so that Vodacom would not steal money out of the account that they had no right to. I know its only R75.00 but out of principle I really felt strongly that I would not let them get away with it.
In all fairness to Vodacom I paid them for the month of January although they certainly did not deserve it. But that was the last thing Vodacom will ever get out of me.
Although I cancelled the contract – all I was looking for was an apology and an attempt to rectify their mistakes, yet they kept turning a blind eye to their fault and never addressed my letters.
I sent the letter again a second time just for the fun of it.
So now they are sitting with 2 copies of the first letter and 2 of the second.
On the 15th February 2005 I received a letter saying I had seven days to pay the outstanding amount or the contract will be permanently suspended and I will be liable for the contract amount.
On the 26 February I sent yet another letter to Vodacom. In this letter I stated that I was unhappy with their service and wanted Vodacom to contact me.
This letter was also ignored.
Later I sent a copy of all the letters sent to Vodacom to Amanda and then to Adele Strydom. They also never addressed the issue.
On the 17 March 2005 I received a letter saying that they had no reply to previous correspondence (Can you believe it – after all the letters and phone calls they still want to tell me that I have not replied!) and they permanently suspended my service and was now liable for the amount of the contracted.
On the 19 April I got a lovely bright red letter as my final demand and still no one has addressed the issues I was having with Vodacom or apologised for them inconveniencing me the last few months. I was in contact with Mina and Tanya and still they did not address the issues.
I stopped wasting my time and this useless company and carried on with my life. I never heard from Vodacom or their attorneys for 2 years and suddenly on the 23 June 2007 I get a letter in the post from their attorney for the outstanding money. 2 years later they want to now hassle me. I told sello at the firm to go back to their client Vodacom and ask them about the endless letters I have sent them and how in fact the reason this account is in this state was due to Vodacom’s incompetence. Well I never heard from them again for another 2 whole years.
In August 2009 I got a sms from VVM attorneys. I called them and said the same thing as I told the attorney 2 years ago. VVM attorneys have been hassling me ever since. I have explained what has happened to them.
I sent a letter to Vodacom and VVM attorneys. Basically sayings fix this or I will go public. VVM phoned me to say Vodacom says I must pay. I then called a few people at Vodacom and VVM attorneys and told them I was going to give them a day to fix it or I will bring them down. My last call from VVM was on Christmas eve at around mid day to demand money. Who phones anyone the day before Christmas to bug them for money! Needless to say I said what I had to and hung up J
It’s now the middle of January 2010 and still Vodacom has not fixed this or apologised to me. And it is now that I have decided to do what I said I would do and take them down. I want South Africa to know what bad service Vodacom offers. 5 years down the line I am still experiencing bad service.
If your children have cell phones, don’t wait until something goes wrong when they need to call you or the police and Vodacom lets you down. Their lives are not worth the chance.
If you saying you have never had a day’s trouble with Vodacom – Don’t speak to soon. They are always making errors and when they do it to you, you will surly experience their disregard for your rights and principles. They want what they want and there is no telling them otherwise even when they at fault.
Read though my evidence and make a wise decision before you are also fighting with a service provider that say they offer reliability and all they over is years of hassle.
All documents are in the process of being scanned and will be placed on to this site so you can see the letters I sent (with proof of being faxed). Please bear with me.
December 20, 2009
Vodacom - RipOff
Vodacom, the so called "leading" network, are ripping of their customers. The government have taken them to court, because they are making more than 700% profit on ALL phone calls! This means, they buy something for R1 & then sell it for R8. This is'nt just the only problem with them, they seem to make even lots more profit on their data. Some customers don't know the benefit of data bundles, they are the ones paying more than R2 per megabyte of data. In other words, 3 megabytes of data is worth more than a bread... The customers who buy data dundles, pay much less, but Vodacom still makes a hack a lot of profit. They sell data {databundle} for as little as R0.19 per megabyte. So, if they sell data to customers who don't know this, then then make 1000% profit & please notice that I've haven't keep in mind the profit they're already making... This leads us to +-1200% - YES one-thousand-two-hundred percent PROFIT. This is how Vodacom, the most crap & money making Cellular Network in SA, ripp-off their customers. And then of course, they provide CRAP service. their Internet are CRAP slow, unreliable & if you contact customer support, they don't return to you! I've contacted them several times, but they just simply don't give a damn... This is just the beginning of their problems - They give out your number to other companies & they send you a crapload of SMSs a day. Some of them comes through between 1 o'clock & 4 o'clock in the morning. And they best part of it all, they give out your number - WHITHOUT your confirmation / permission. They use and abuse you. They don't just give out your number, but they, themselves abuse your number, they'll send you adverts, 2 to 3 per day, at very inconvenient times - AND YOU HAVE TO PAY THEM TO STOP RECEIVING ADVERTS! They abuse your number, they don't return to you if you've contacted their customer support, they make a HACK a lot of profit & they send you adverts, and agian they milk you for money. The make BILLIONS of rands profit per month. Some of their reprensentatives are so stupid, they don't even know what a data bundle is... So they obviously won't be able to help you. Damn, they are bloody worse than China or Taiwan... I advise anybody to stay as far away from them as possible...
Dean Kemp
December 1, 2009
vodacom Illegal activity on accounts
I use to have 500 megabites a month on my 3G account which was just enough. suddeny my account skyrocketed for no apparent reason. I upgraded to 1 Gig, and within 4 days, that gig was depleted. Seing that my automatic updates and so on were not activated on my laptop. I then phoned Vodacom and requested an itimised billing acount, which i havent received for 6 weeks and waiting. I then discovered that if I phone my 3g sim card, it actually rang!! IT RINGS EVEN IF I AM ON THE INTERNET!!! so it became apparant that i am not the only person who uses this number, but it does seem that i am the one being billed!! R3500 was taken out of my bank account by vodacom and R2600 the previous month. R6000 give or take was deducted!! various phone calls, referance numbers, vodacare shop visits...and no help, answers, or itimised bill. A cloned card? an inside job? Pathetic and useless personell...Please help! vodacom is taking large amounts of money from my account and no one can tell or show me why!!!
November 30, 2009
Poor Service
I handed in my samsung phone at Vodashop Westgate for repairs on 5 November and was told that it will take 8 - 14 working days. 3 weeks later I still got no response from them and talked to the manager Mr Wilson who then promised me the phone over the weekend of 27 November. In this week I phoned the shop where Lizel the receptionist not answering the phone at all and after about 10 times she will answer the phone. Then asking to be put through to Wilson I waited half and hour before I hang up and try phoning again.The service are of the worst I have ever received. I want this matter to go under the MD of vodacom's attention.
Mokotsi t
November 23, 2009
I have won US$2.8M for fifa 2010 international award to claim i should contact mrs brown at [email protected]
Mokotsi C.T
P.O.Box 4836
Cell 0721266493
Tonie Grobler
November 20, 2009
Poor customer service
In August 2008 I did a sim swop from MTN to Vodacom, after which I started paying for both contracts (MTN and Vodacom). I then immediately phoned Vodacom in Bloemfontein where the sim swop was done in an effort to rectify the problem ASAP. I was told by a lady she will get back to me on the "buyout" which unfortunately never happened. It is now Nov 09 and I still have'nt a clue if Vodacom bought out the contract from MTN when I requested a sim swop. Daily we try to communicate (phone and e-mail) with this specific lady without success, but in the mean time I still paying for two contract. The MTN contact payments to date adds up to R 4600.00, for something I dont us?????????????????
The payment of the MTN contract is via debit order with I dont want to stop in fear of being blacklisted. I unfortunately cant take this issue up with MTN untill i know if it was a full buyout from Vodacom or not.
Tonie Grobler
My cell 083-263-6558
Nomusa Mudaau
October 21, 2009
My name is Nomsa Mudau. I am having a problem with my ID, I never loose any of my particulars but my details (ID) is being used to purchase and to open accounts. The problem started in December 2008 when I recieved a call from Jet Store that someone is buying with my account. I had a jet account for over 10yrs without any problems. I disputed the purchases and the problem was sorted in April 2009, I ended up closing the account. In May 2009 I received another call and was told I open an account at Identity store and I disputed the account as well, Today on the 21/10/09 I received another call that I open account in December 2008 purchasing a contract phone which owes R9000. I never open such account as I'm using prepaid phone. Please I need your help as the scam continues and when contacted the shops they said there is nothing they can do as am not the only one with the problem. I am worried because I believe nothing I done to apprehend the culprits instead I am the one who suffering running around back and forth from police station to the shops querring about the accounts.My e-mail address is [email protected]
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