On the 4th of September 2010 I submitted my phone to Vodacare (Hatfield), Pretoria, to be repaired. I received a sms that the phone is fixed and went there on the 11th of September 2010 to fetch it.I tested it in the shop only to find out that it has still got the same problem! It was not fixed! I re submitted it under same job number 5999702 and heard nothing of them. I sent a e-mail 30 September 2010 and was advised that the phone would be ready the next day and tham I would receive a notification. I did not receive any notification and again had to send a e-mail on the 4th of October 2010 to enquire about the status of the phone. Eventually some one called Tobie phoned me to enquire about my sim card number and size. He mentioned that the phone will now be sent to Vodacare Head office whilst this was said to me on a previous date also! He also said that the phone will defenitely be ready on Tuesday 12 October. On the 4th of October now a month later I received a SMS that the phone will now be sent to Head Office under a new Job number 6052020. I gave them time and sent a e -Mail on 12 October to again find out the status. I also phoned on the 12th of October 2010 and was advised that the phone is still not fixed and I must wait for a notification from them.
I realise that it is a SAMSUNG phone they are battling to get fixed and that the problem could lie with SAMSUNG but in the mean time I sit with no phone! To me this is unecceptable and need explenation!