I bought in to Vonage over a year ago. When we tried to adjust our billing date and was told no way... my reply was to cancel the service. We were told there would be a $200 charge if we canceled before the first year was over, so we waited.
At the one year mark, I purchased a Magic Jack and told Vonage that we would no longer be requiring their services at the end of the billing cycle. They hung up on us with fifteen days left of paid service, shut down our service, and charged my bank account $42.00, which caused an overdraft fee of $35.00. Wow, insult to injury!
I did successfully reverse the charges with my bank, but it took 90 days, and I had to re-dispute the fee. I have since bought another Magic Jack, which I use when I am overseas to call my wife back in the US for free.
Don't get me wrong, Vonage VOIP service was great! It was reliable, it was clear... but it was also $24.00 a month and their customer service was awful. They are also very deceptive in their business and quite honestly illegal. They claim on their website that they can change their terms of service without notification... not true, and not legal. Their sales people ($8.00/hr mall workers) lie and say anything to get you to sign up.