their promising 9;95 a month, for three month then turn to 25.00 and we can dis-connect if we don't care to use it
Right after I signed up over the internet, the next day, a friend told about jack phones where people can call world wide, free of charge. 50.00 one time
so I need to contact theses people at vonage, trouble is, it's almost impossibe to do this, they won't talk to stop anybodys account, they want to keep on using
Would you please close my account at 5th 3rd debit cards Master Card so these rip-offs don't get a penny
need any information about them- just put Vonage
rip-offs on your computer-it's in there. believe me.
My information
Kenneth C. Johnson
810 Ohio St.
Michigan City, Indiana
For the account I ask you to close, it's number
was 5424-3224-0563--3384
Please close thio right away, so I don't have to go a couple blocks away, and close my checking account
Please let me know what you did, my e-mail
[email protected].
thank you