I signed up with Vonage on Oct 19, 2008.
Today is Oct 8, 2010. My contract expires on Oct 19. My account is paid in full. I want to disconnect the service because I hardly ever use my landline anymore. Yet, I cannot disconnect the service before Oct 19, 2010 without a $40 early termination fee.
At the same time, if I wait until Oct 19 to disconnect in order to avoid the fee, I will be charged for the next month and I will still end up some $25 out. I was told that if I want to get a refund for the next month, I have to call on the 19. I cannot call on the 18 ($40) and I cannot call on the 20th ... This is racket at its' finest. It is an ultimate catch22. I have never heard of such a horrible inflexibility towards PAYING customers!
This is simply outrageous.
My losses: time, $25-$40, more time