Back in October of 2007; I was TRYING to get are-fi on my mortgage .. Along came a mortgage broker; Fidelity Mortgage Direct; who PROMISED and in writing, a 2.45 % interest, fixed rate for 30 years .
They sent me a "Good Faith Estimate", "Truth in Lending Statement", "Florida Mortgage Brokerage Agreement", and "Loan Application" .. with THOSE figures on them.
When it came time to close; the figures were a 8.35% Interet rate, an ARM, with a Pick a Payment that increases my mortgage every month IF I cannot pay the actual Higher mortgage payment . With the original agreement ; my payment would have been just $285. P&I ; BUT under this higher interest etc..the mortgage payment in in excess of $1, 060 per month ...
I called my service representative who told me it would all be "Fixed" in "errors and omissions" .. so I went ahead and signed .. the next day I called and canceled, after thinking all about tit as it did not seem right ...
Within a few hours, I received a call from the head man at Fidelity Mortgage Direct ; telling me that unless I went thru with this re -fi that he was going to sue me and he'd get not only my home ; BUT everything in it ..including my dog ...
I knew that he wouldn't get the dog ; BUT as for everything else ; I wasn't so sure and I did NOT have the $$$$ to defend a court action as I am on a fixed income and barely get by anymore ... which is why I was TRYING to get the re-fi anyway ... so I was FORCED into going along with the Illegal and unethical re fi ...
I've written letters, called everyone I know ... BUT; NO ONE seems willing or able to assist me in this situation ...
Does Anyone know of a way that I can get satisfaction on this illegal, unethical re finance that Fidelity Direct and Wachovia Mortgage have me locked into ... ????
ANY information or resources would greatly be appreciated ...