Bought a GPS with an ext warranty at Walmart and with less than 2 months left on the extended warranty it stopped working. First only half the screen was visible then the next day the entire screen was black with a redline at the bottom.
Mailed to company and it was returned "LED screen broken" unrepairable" "return to customer unrepaired".
I called and they said it had been dropped. It HAD NOT and told them that it hadn't been dropped and there was no crack on the screen. They said the crack was internal. How convenient. They find something wrong with an item that only they can see. Could it be they decided with only 2 months left 'why bother'? Sick of Walmart. Sam Walton would turn over in his grave with their deplorable customer service lately.
Now it's my word against theirs and since they can fix it or not - it won't be fixed. They received ext warranty $ with NO service.
I will never buy anything electronic at Walmart again! Getting close to not shopping there at all. Less of a headache shopping at other stores, not worth the small savings shopping at walmart anymore.