Cheryl Deets-Behn
December 13, 2010
photo package
Got the corporate number where my family had photos done on 12/12/2010. Was on hold for customer service for over 20 minutes(12/13/2010) never got through. Dont even know if it was the correct number( 1-800-669-9699) At 11:30 a.m. left my name and number to discuss my issues and complaints, with someone on voice mail in the corporate office (?)that were not with the photographer or with the studio or even the pictures themselves. Cant believe I have to even write them here . What a wrong way to run a company where you cant even call to discuss a problem. Well here sorta goes. I have 2 children 8 years apart and get pictures done every year have been very happy, until this year my children have 2 different fathers 2 different families, 2 different last names, 2 different addresses, here is where the problem lies does your company not take into account that there is many families like mine??? Do parents have to take their children in separately or by relatives in order to receive the package special for 2 children??? In this economic time what are you thinking in denying people in my situation and many others their had earned money!!! I feel slighted, ripped off and so disappointed!!! I had to pay the price almost double from last year because I had no choice. I could not let my families down that expect these pictures every year!!! But needless to say I want top be heard and listened too!!! Would'nt mind some money back too!!! Can't wait to see if I even hear back from anyone. Have more to say but that is sorta the jist of it. My name is Cheryl Deets-Behn I live at 2131 waldemere street Sarasota Fla. 34239 Home phone is 941-554-8392 cell 941-536-1355 I don't want any coupons more pictures or anything like that I really feel I deserve some money back!!! Did I mention my oldest daughters father is deceased or that I'm a single mom!!! Does it matter to anyone??? You are a big corporation you need to do the right thing for all of us 45 year old moms like me!!! I may be just a waitress but I'm a good loyal customer!!! Not only of the studio but of your stores. Are you so big and bad you can afford to even lose one customer?? I would think not!!! Thank- You Ms. Cheryl Deets-Behn