I purchased an X-Box 360 on December 30th 2009 at Walmart #1549 in Phoenix, Arizona (paid Cash) Today on January 23, 2010 I took this X-
Box back to the store to get a refund because the tray was malfuntioning. I went threw a 30 minute explanation of why I was only entitled to the option of that I could only exchange it for another one. I did not want another one I wanted my money back. After some words going back and forth of what I expected to get as far as my refund and what the manager
said is what he is going to give me and that was the last of my options.
the store policy on video game items is only 15 days with reciept refund. I was not told that from the cashier when I bought it nor is it on any part of my reciept. When I bought the X-Box they gave me a 50 dollar walmart gift card (promotional ) which if the X-Box was returned (for refund) so did the gift card have to be returned. A refund package deal or no refund . The manager Dereck said that it was posted (in fine print no doubt) that was a stipulation of the promotional sale in Walmarts advertising flyer. So I didn't know anything about this promotion and no one told me about this promotion and the exceptions to refunding.It was not on the X-Box that if you buy this game you recieve a 50 dollar Walmart gift card nor did the reciept inform me of it. I was suprised when the cashier gave it to me as I was walking away with my purchase. But today as I was being informed of this in order to get my cash refund I was going to be deducted 50 dollars for the gift card. And it was perfectly clear that I would not have gotten any kind of refund if I did not agree to it and sign the reciept . I don't think that is right, it would truely be justified if the refund policy had been told to me at the purchase of this product, or if it was on the reciept or I had read that Walmart flyer and was informed about this promo but I had not nor am I obligated to read it.So that Manager Dereck just strong armed me today and took 50 dollars from me as far as I am concerned and that was not right. I know Walmart makes alot of money but that store is not going to get the 20, 000 dollars or more that I spend in that store Yearly...!!!I'll make sure I will have that down on paper for you to see ... I want my 50 dollars back and I will accept it in a gift card if that's the only way I can get it back. Monica Wood in Phoenix, Arizona I'll never go to that Walmart again Manager of 12 years DERECK SAID TO ME . ( if that is what you call a manager)