My complaint has to do with WalMart in general. I used to think WM was a great store, right there with not only department store items but groceries also...what better way to do your shopping all in one store...but that is in the past. Since the senior Walton has passed on, it is all about getting the cheapest merchandise from these third world countries and passing that 'cheap made' junk off on the consumer. And since all the stores have done an 'overhaul', they just don't have anything anymore...and the women's clothing section is a garbage heap of this 'hooker type' clothing and nothing else. I have been buying my clothes at KMart instead, at least they have decent styles for grown ups, not just this 'trendy' fashion for the young girls who want to dress like hookers.
As far as the groceries go, I am also seriously debating to start shopping at other stores (Kroger or Meijers)...All the 'usual' stuff that I used to be able to find at WalMart, I can no longer find or I can't find it in the size can/package that I want. Not to mention, pretty soon, all you will be able to find will be WalMart brand groceries on everything...they jack up the price so much on national brand items so that you feel you have to buy their brand. Poor Sam would be turning over in his grave to see what his kids have turned it into. Also, the fact that WalMart is one of the biggest contributors to the illegal alien problem...I know there are more illegals working at our area Walmart's than any other businesses around. To be perfectly honest, it wouldn't sadden me at all to see WalMart stores go out of business just because of these is not longer the place to shop and most of the community people where I live agree with me and we have gotten together and made a pact to not go to WalMart unless we positively cannot find our items far, we have had good luck and haven't shopped WalMart for over a month...and we are doing an e-mail protest with hundreds of friends to join us in this pact...with wonderful and unbelievable results. WalMart for one thing needs to get back to Sam's promise of buying 'AMERICAN MADE' only. We are cutting our own throats by buying all this foreign junk. We (in our community) have decided it's better to pay a little more to get better quality.