It seems that I am finding myself settling for whatever it is they have that is similar to what I used to buy. Coincidently, when I start to like a product and buy it often, the store stops selling it and trys to sell something similar, cheaper brand, but not cheaper in price, and leaving me with no options.
For example, I bought pre-cooked pancakes, that you microwave and the brand name I don't know. I bought a bag at least once a week and now our Walmart is only selling the Great Value brand of this product. The reason why I am not happy with that is because I've tried a couple products of this brand name and 2 out of the 3 that I tried were garbage. If they are going to be selling this crappy Great Value product, they should still leave us with another option but of a different brand.
One Example: I bought the bag of Great Value chicken nuggest to deep fry and they are made so crappy, that you can deep fry them forever and they don't even get a crunchy outside.
This walmart is getting cheap and greedy and I wish they never opened this so called Super Center. I am finding myself shopping for most of my groceries at our nearest grocery store now instead of Walmart.