Stop Slumlords!
February 21, 2011
Walt and Denise Kadtka fit the criteria of slumlord. I rented a studio apartment for approximately 5.5 months. Upon moving in, we endured window sills filled with chipping paint, a fireplace smothered in ash, a fridge with half of the inside door broken/non-functional and a toilet backing up that ultimately continued to flood every time we flushed. We made several attempts on unclogging the toilet until we came to the conclusion that it was completely clogged and would require a professional to fix it. We made the call to the landlord and he came over with a, "snake". In his efforts, the toilet ultimately cracked and he had to purchase a new one. Once he left I received a call from his wife blaming me of clogging the toilet and that it was our fault that the toilet cracked. Shortly, thereafter, during a very rainy weekend our roof began to leak! We had to move our furniture and place bowls to catch the water; our landlord kept saying that he was expecting people to show up and fix the roof, but he cannot get ahold of them and the roof will get fixed that following Monday. Eventually he, himself, fixed the leaky roof. We submitted our 30 day notice to vacate the apartment in January 2011. We requested a walk- through at the end of our stay, but the landlord absolutely refused. I addressed my concerns on how uncomfortable I felt in moving out without a walk-through. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away! We made a thorough cleaning of the place and took pictures (66 total of before and after). We left that apartment cleaner than what it was when we moved in. Previously, we have received a certified letter from their attorney stating that we have caused damages exceeding $9600! The list of "damages" included the toilet, all new kitchen cabinets, kitchen sink with faucet, 2 new marble hearths and new carpet! This is a studio apartment estimating 200-300 square feet. Come to find out, the building is worth only $10, 000!! All we initially wanted was our security deposit of $400 back, however, this landlord fits the criteria of a slumlord. We think our former landlord assumes that we will not make any effort in defending ourselves and just be taken advantage of! We have attempted to seek free consultations with attorneys in that area, but they all have said that that's "common practice"! Surely, there is something we can do in order to gain our security deposit that we so rightly deserve and ensure that this landlord receives reprimand of being a slumlord.