Last year (2008)I used WMI Commercial for "dumpster" drop off and collection. The standard WMI Commercial policy is "Payment in advance of services". Each time WMI dropped off a dumpster they would (prior to dropoff) collect the full amount of the bill. I paid with my credit card for the 6 or 8 dumpsters I have had dropped off.
6 Months ago I started getting calls from RMS collections in behalf of WMI Commercial trying to collect a $ 126.70 bill I "allegedly" owed WMI. I explained the PAYMENT IN ADVANCE policy to RMS to no avail. I called (on 4 occasions) and went through the entire years billing with a WMI representative only to have them (the reps) agree that I had (per their company policy) paid for each of the dumpsters delivered PRIOR to the delivery. In each case I was assured that the matter would be closed. In each case it wasn't.
Last month I received a collection notice from RMS for the above mentioned $ 126.70. I responded by faxing them a “validity” of claim dispute.
Today I got a phone call from RMS trying to (again) collect the $ 126.70 amount.
Again I called WMI and spoke with a rep named Alicia that promised (after verifying that I had indeed paid for all services rendered)to get the matter resolved and call me back today or tomorrow. We shall see. I'm sceptical as I've had this same conversation on at least 4 occasions with WMI reps in the past with no favorable results.
SUGGESTION FOR WMI ... Pay attention to your own company policy. When you require "Payment in advance" and don;t send a customer a written bill, don't send them to collection.