Speed problem for 1.5M&6M NOT for 10M&18M, Port Orchard, McCormick Wood. <br />
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I have been with WB (Wave Broadband) since December, 2007. The problem happens during PEAK HOUR typically between 7 to 11:30 PM, the speed drops to 25% - 50%. Every time the incident occurs, WB will ask me to use the ethernet cable instead of wireless (plug&unplug), reboot the modem and do speed test about 10 times (10 sounds official – I guess). <br />
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Then WB will arrange Technician to come to my place to look for the SOURCE OF PROBLEM. Now they dirty my carpet and hardwood floor. Technician is pretending doing something at the main box at sidewalk as well as panel attached to the home. Then, test the modem. Next, give me a yellow slip (receipt) that noted everything is okay during the visit (day time).<br />
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After I learn that I have been fooled by the WB's charade, every time the speed drop by 10% or more I got credit for 1 day (if I am willing to hold for 15min but NO MORE plugging Ethernet cable & speed test & Technician). So those who have 18M or 10M will get priority and left over bandwidth is for 6M or 1.5M. I have suggested WB to sell this portion of area to Comcast or others.<br />
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WOW, playing charade almost 2 years - thanks WB.<br />
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Below is dated and name of person that I have talk to (not complete list)<br />
05/29/08 – Devin<br />
11/08/08 – Leon<br />
11/08/08 – Dave<br />
11/14/08 – Ralph<br />
11/27/08 – Dave<br />
12/05/08 – Andy<br />
07/22/09 – Ryan<br />
08/05/09 – Vallet<br />
09/26/09 – Sheila<br />
09/27/09 – Mary<br />
10/31/09 – Ryan<br />
11/17/09 – Danish