August 22, 2010
Charging me money and I don't even know who they are
I was looking up in my Wal Mart Money Card account today and was going to check the balance and noticed something was off and when I looked into it. It says Budget Savers charge of 24.99 or something like that. I was like who is these people. I checked the phone number and called and they say that they're business hours are Monday through Friday. I want to know what to do because I am not going to pay these who I don't even know who they are.
jana headrick
August 17, 2010
taking money from my account without permission
We bpught this pillow SOBAKAWA got a call from budget savers wanting to sell a product they were told no. the SOBAKAWA CLOUD PILLOW A TRADE MARK OF NATURES PILLOWS SOLD MY BANK INFORMATION AND BUDGET SAVERS TOOK 24.95 OUT OF MY ACCOUNT WITHOUT PERMISSION. Someone needs to help all of us stop these people who are stealing from us
Charles Saunders
December 22, 2009
took money out of my account
took money out of my checking account. don't know what for,
as far as i know i did not ok it.
budget saver.
November 16, 2009
this company took money out of my account i want to cancel what ever it is and don't know how. they can put the money back on my account cause i will never use it
November 5, 2009
when they charged me i canceled. every month since then they have been charging me 24.95 and $1 but once i didnt have the money in there they tried charging it over 2 times a week. finally when i had money in there they charged me 24.95 and gave me credit for $1. when i cld they said they see no transaction of that and i have to write to p.o box 5265 hopkinson 55343-2265 to complain. and they cant give me any other number to call. so i asked for the last trasactions they have doen to my acct and she said there is none but one charge that got declined. they didnt even have the transaction when i cancel and when they refunded my money. so i have over 20 transactions from them and they have no record of it. something is wrong there
October 19, 2009
unauthorized charges
made the transaction against my card without my permission twice of $24.95.
aileen and asnastacio jr ambriz
August 21, 2009
taking money out of my account
this company has been taking money out of my account without my concent...
July 11, 2009
unauthorized charges from bank account
I can not get in contact with the number given 800-475-1942. Do not have any idea who this company is, nor do I know what I allegedly have received that I am being charged directly out of my account. Will notify the bank to stop all transaction.
July 4, 2009
unauthorized debits
Provell, a.k.a. WC Budget Savers has made unauthorized debits from my chase debit account. Chase is apparently a partner with this company. one company, several names for DBA. they started with$ 1.00. then out of nowhere $24.95 for something I never ordered nor recieved and Can not get the funds back. How can these people keep ripping off innocent cardholders and getting away with it? THE FBI has been alerted, an I am going to file complaints with the BBB and see where that leads. It all started when I ordered a grant funding cd off the net. BUYERS BEWARE. one click or keystroke and your money is gone!!
April 29, 2009
taking money out of my count without permission
wc budget savers has been taking money out of my account with out permission and i would like to know who and when was they given permission to with draw money out of my account i would appreciate it if you would stop and i have also hired a lawyer so you might be contacted tomorrow or sometime well any ways if it keeps happening i will sue you for what it is worth and it is fraud and stealing what you are doing you could get into serious trouble if you want to keep your buisness than i suggest you to keep your hands off my mone !!!
thank you so much a very angry person