If you have been scammed by any of these companies. DBA wc fun source, value plus, provell
File a complaint with the BBB of Minnesota. The contact name for this business is Michael J. Murphy Phone#952-258-2000.
To file a complaint to the BBB of Minnesota you can either find it on line or write to BBB of Minn. and North Dakota c/o Ms. Donna D'amalfi 2706 Gannon Road Saint Paul MN 55116.
They will charge your credit card, and tell the BBB that you authorized it over the phone. When you file a complaint with the BBB and the comp. finally responds. They will use flowery language and say they were not in the wrong, but prides itself on providing outstanding coutomer service and will return your money. If you agree to this they will continue to be able to do business, and continue to scam people out of their money. So please contact the BBB to help put fradulent business like this off the market.