noone special
February 18, 2009
We are not fraud!
Ok, so this is not a complaint. This is coming from someone who, believe it or not, works for Membership Services. I answer calls everyday and hear complaints like all of yours. While some complaints are legitimate, some of you have actually agreed to these memberships by either accepting an offer for gas rebates or a gift card of some sort. You have to physically enter your information before you can even be signed up. For those of you who got signed up on an outbound call where you were promised $40 in gas rebates, how that company obtains your cc information, I am not sure . I wish that I could tell you but I can't. But their name is quality resources. You can look them up on line. Did you also know that to claim your gift card and gas rebates if you can't access the website, you can call our 1-800 number and we will send you out the appropriate forms for them. But believe me when I say, yelling and cussing at us is not going to make things any easier or better. The calmer you are, the smoother the call will go and the quicker you can get your issue resolved, whether it's a refund or cancellation, etc. Trust me, I have been taken by companies before and I can completely understand. But at the same time, I know yelling and cussing at them is not going to resolve my problem. The website for the gas rebates and gift cards do work. I have accessed the websites myself and our 1-800 does work. Unfortunately, there are many different call centers that answer these calls and I can't speak for their reps and how their customer service is but I know if you speak to someone in Charleston, SC, you will receive first class customer service and I give you my word. If you need any assistance, please give us a call, and my reps will be more than happy to assist you but here are some things to keep in mind. Your membership was initiated by a purchase over the tv, phone, or internet of some sort. If you have been charged more than twice, you will have to fill out a refund request form. No one in our call centers have the authority to refund more than two charges over the phone. It has to be requested by filling out the form. Not even a supervisor has that authority. Also, we can not and will not refund overdraft or overage fees. We did not charge you those fees so there fore we cannot refund them. Not even a supervisor. It would be like buying something at Walmart and trying to return it at Kmart. It will not work. So please be nice and we will be more than happy to fulfill your request. Yelling will not expedite the matter. Thanks for listening and hearing it from the other sides point of view.