On June 16, 2008, I bought the webroot spyware with antivirus to protect my home computer for $39.99. When activating the computer program from the supplied CD I was guided to a website that for unknown reasons wanted my credited card information - that I provided, for registration of the webroot programs.
I clicked on all 3 buttons of the page that came on my screen but none responded, the were the spy sweeper program that I had already paid for and 2 additional computer programs that I don't even know what they are for and have never used. It is my clain, now before the Ontario Court, that that www.billinternet took the money because the credit card could not be blocked, as webroot has assured me that they don't have the money. Also curiously, the damaging page on the computerscreen could not be found anywhere on the web as if it is some kind of computerscam from www.billinernet.com.
The court action demands the refund plus court costs plus $500.00 for a totaL OF $627.45
Respectfully submitted,
Poppo H. Boer, Research Scientist
196 Marlborough Ave
Ottawa ON K1N 8G4
[email protected]