You asked me on my Visa bill of costs not justified, I ordering a product testing has cost me 5.95 to 6.80 in Canada, 2 weeks plutart you load an amount of 89.16 still on my card, then I n 're not even received the product test, then I'll raise a complaint to the Canadian and American authorities as a fraud, then I give you 3 days to remedy the problem within 3 days if not I make a complaint I you want 2 me renbourser the amounts you have taken on my card, I also want an account as you stop taking my money on my visa, because I have a lot of evidence that you have made the same thing to steal their money on the credit card or debit without you permission, then STOP FRAUD 14/08/2009 Today I will give refunds for the money taken from my Visa card, 6.80 + 89.16 = 95.96, I want a letter from your mistake and you close the account you've done to my name.
Linda Dufort