I signed up for a Well Care Medicare Advantage Concert Plan, when I became eligible for Medicare at the time of my retirement. My plan went into effect on 4/1/08. In June 0f 08, my doctor sent me to the hospital for some tests, which were subsequently billed to Well Care. Over the past 14 months, I have repeatedly contacted Well Care about payment of this claim. They have continued to tell me that they never received the claim. I have been in touch with the hospital to request that copies of the claim be resubmitted to the addresses they indicated and Well Care has never acknowledged receipt of the bill and, of course, has not made payment to the hospital. Last month I sent a copy of the claim by registered main with a return receipt and they have not acknowledged that they have received the bill nor would they put me in touch with the person who signed the return receipt.
I plan to change carriers as soon as I can but I feel that Well Care is guilty of defrauding Medicare and its recipients and I would like others to know how difficult they have been to deal with. I would also like to file a complaint directly with Medicare. Can you point me in the right direction?