I was sad to see today that we are not the only ones who have been treated rudely and fraudulently by Wells Fargo and their added insurance from Balboa Insurance due to discrepancies within our insurance through Allstate...
First of all we too have been treated rudely, cussed out, bullied, threatened etc. by this company who starts calling the day after the payment is due... but now today was the icing on the cake, when a lady called my fiance on his cell phone to demand payment as our payment was only a partial payment... He argued with her ( by the way we have 2 auto loans with Wells Fargo... only one had the discrepancy), she told him obviously we could not afford the vehicle or we would not have financed with them... she threated to take the vehicle and ruin our credit...
When he came home and told me this, I called WF and demanded to speak with a collection supervisor, she explained that because of a discrepancy on our insurance they had added this insurance and we owed $ 114.00 more a month, she would not tell us what the discrepancy was, she said it wasn't her job to contact our insurance company and she would not accept proof from our insurance company... she said we were notified 30 days, 60days 90 days, by Balboa, but she said we probably through them away, thinking they were junk mail... WHAT??? Basically, she got rude told us an attorney could not help us and said whether they got verification of Insurance, or not, we would have to pay for Balboa coverage...
First of all, WF should notify you of a discrepancy but secondly Balboa's response was that since Jan 2007 we showed no insurance but found it when they went on Allstates website, his reply was that one address said RD and one DR... funny we manged to get our auto statements...
Bottom line, this nothing but a scam... If anyone wants to join up on this... email me: [email protected]. I am not sure what to do but for now, I am contacting our attorney, the Insurance Commisioner for NC, Action 9,our local news programs watchdog reporter. As far as I am concerned Balboa is in on this with WF... Also I thin their employees ought to be held liable for knowing breaking the law and bullying customers...