I don't even have account with Wells Fargo. I am recieving very Nasty, degading calls claimiing that I am hiding a Robert. This has been going on now for 10mths. When I try telling them that there is no such person at this number. I am then called a liar, trash, low life and many more things...when I hang up, they get someone meaner and even more nasty to call back.
I do call the number back that is on caller ID, which is Wells Fargo Auto fiance, to which no one knows nothing and it can't be trace because it's such a large building with many dept. They check and they say the number is not in system BUT it might be in another dept. The only thing they can tell me is just explain to the person on the phone the situation...Hello! I've tried that. I am so upset and not only upset but that this bank stoops to such low levels of harrasements.
Shame on you Wells Fargo!!!