I have continually called and spoke to WFFB to correct my account. The account was taken out on May, 2006 with a balance of $3, 500. The amount that they are saying today 10/24/08 is still @ $3.282.60. I have asked repeatedly for WF to review my account and send me documentation of all of the payments that I have paid. I requested that insurance payments be removed from the account over a year ago, and they would not remove the insurance even though I was not able to use it when I needed it. I have had this account over three years and it will not go away. My contract state a $10.00 late fee, they automatically increased late fees to $39.00. Other fees was added to advanced charges that I was not responsible for. I am unable to get the company to correct the problems associated with my account. I can't even get them to give me a fax number to fax the letters that I have written to them with no satisfaction. This account should have been paid up by the payments that I have made, however the balance is showing like I have not paid any payments on the account. I can not get any response from the company to give me an reasonably payoff amount.
Marilynn McRae