Main Contact - Eric Marin - 866-921-6256 ext# 40505
I, Gregg Wilson and my wife were lowering our interest rate from 8.75 percent to 4.25 percent with the same comapny, Wells Fargo Mortgage. I have had them for 17 1/2 years as my mortgage holder. I was assured no problem along the way so when we returned from a trip I was called and told I had to have a written confirmation from my Investment Firm/IRA company that I would be drawing the same amount of capital for the next three years or until I am 62 years old. I have a 72T that I am drawing from, one last time this year for next years expenses and was told that would be okay. Well the person on the phone said it wouldn't, well I couldn't get a gaurantee from my Investment company since I will probably change companies next year. They cancelled my mortgage re-finance! I am mad about it but more than mad when they said they wouldn't pay for the land survey that I paid 480.00 to get! They requested it, said I had to have one even though nothing has changed on my property since I bought it 17 1/2 years ago! I talked to Eric Marin and he said he would see what he could do. I got a call from Lisa Underwood who said they did see that they should pay it since I wouldn't get the gaurantee from my financial advisor, even though the amount would continue with whomever I choose as an investment company. I tried to resolve this issue. It was their request that cost me 480.00 out of my pocket and no new loan at a lower interest rate. They should re-imburse me.