In May of 2009, I applied for a Mortgage Loan Modification with Wells Fargo, while I was off work on disability. I was told that I was eligible and was granted a temporary loan modification, which lowered my payment by $1000. per month. I made every payment and called Wells Fargo, every month to get a status update on the modification. In January 2010, I received a letter of "special forbearance" with a payment greater than my original loan payment and when I inquired about it, I was told that they based the payment on my income, and they showed that I had an additional $5000. of income monthly! I have one job and my net pay does not equal $5000. monthly. I was then told I had to resubmit a full packet of information including a budget worksheet, bank statements, pay stubs, my disability letter from my job and the doctor's note returning me to work. After submitting all requested information, in March I was asked to submit the exact same information, and I did, on March 19. The next week I received a letter dated March 22, stating that because I had missed a payment in August 2009, my request for modification was denied. I called them on it and provided all of my payment receipts showing there was no missed payment. Then I was told I was in violation of the "special forbearance". I never agreed to it, so how could I be in violation? I was told to resubmit my packet, but foreclosure is inevitable because I am now over $30, 000. delinquent, the remainder of my monthly unpaid payment is still accruing finance, interest and late charges. I was not given this information when the temporary payment arrangements were made, and it is not my fault that a year has passed and I still have no loan modification.
No one that I know, has received a loan modification from Wells Fargo, not even when they worked with attorneys. I really regret getting a loan with this bank.