I bought this product via QVC because of the previous complaints about the monthly charges when ordering directly from the infomercial. It was way too expensive, but I wanted to try it at least once to see if it would help me tame my long wavy/curly frizzy hair. I was already staying away from Sodium Laureth Sulfate (the detergent in most shampoos) and had long since switched to washing my hair about every 3 days or so. This is essential for properly caring for my type of hair. Over shampooing is the worst on your hair. I'd had also been experimenting with various non-sulfate shampoos and conditioners (there are several - try Trader Joe's, or Aussie Cleanse 'n Mend). Everything was fine with all that, but still, the infomercial caught my interest. All the ladies' hair looked beautiful...
So here's what I found; my hair did not change at all. However, it didn't do it any harm either. It seemed clean and smelled very nice (same thing with other products). I finished the bottle, but determined that I will stick with the other cleansing/conditioning products because of cost. It is clear to me now that the models that were used in the infomercial had had their hair styled for the ad. I never style my hair, but let it dry naturally. It just didn't look any different than normal.
There you have it.
Good luck (save your money)