to whom it may concern? i ahave a complain about the manegming in this mall, a mall maneger, tall dark hair, making sanwich on line, yaliny at his emloyee, saying, lets gooo, move it, move it, keeping moving, that is not costomer service, i felt like a animal, in the zoo.employee are moving ot of their mind, not happy, lisening to his voice, more than customer, , can you plz do something about that maneger, i always come to that mall, cos, i work i that mall, and thise mall maneger, (gm) always yalling, nasty, why?
i beleve he shoud be more concern about the happiness ofhis empolyee, and mgr team, to make the service more happy@frindly, pls take this complain seriesly. i dont want to stop coming to wendy, so every time i see this mgr(gm) yalling at people, is like ur in flea market,