My name is Daniel Neal and I was an employee from sep 13 2010 untill nov 12 2010. I was terminated today for disclosing a clients name after i identified that the consumer was the right person. I was only doing what i was told to do by west asset management and was wrongly fired for it. If i get interrupted and hung up on before i can give the "mini miranda" to a consumer then i shouldnt be held responsible for failing to follow the law. If i was not supposed to tell the consumer the clients name before giving the mini miranda then why was i forced to do it and then fired for it? I was only on the inside for a short time, long enough to analyze what happens to people after working there for very long periods of time. I have been putting off getting a job there for several years and when i finally did go to work for west asset management they placed me under a drill sargent man hating dike bitch. It was bad enough they transferred her to somewhere she didnt want to be and made her leave the people that could actually put up with her bitchy antics but this also negatively affected how much money she was making form other peoples debts. I believe the hippaa laws were put in place to protect people from being stressed out and becoming ill because of collection companies (like Karry Harris's) thinks its ok to harass people. I had a meeting with one of the bosses and supervisor only to intellectually find that they do not consider the fact that this causes people to become ill and it needs to be handled much more delicately and whats worse is they have convinced themselves that they are not harassing people it is perfectly normal to call peoples friends, neighbors, and family over and over again over debt. What is debt in the first place???? is it money owed or is it slavery? In this case it is slavery. What happened to charity and forgiveness? These people at west asset management have false compassion's and are full of lies. If enough people were smart about how this system really works we could put these slave masters like west asset managment out of business. WAKE UP PEOPLE!! TELL THEM NOT TO CALL YOU EVER AGAIN AND IF THEY DO SUE THEM! YOU CAN GET 1000$ TO 4000$ EASY !!
There are a number of reasons suing collection agencies is so easy but most importantly people need wake up and shut down cancerous businesses like these by refusing to pay them and there fee. Remember never ever pay a collection agency or you will be contributing to destroying peoples lives and character not only the customers but the employees that are forced to harass people about money.