On September 19, 2006, I applied for my Oklahoma Concealed Weapons License (CWL), after considerable time and expense going through the required training, classroom instruction, and extensive practice. The CWL was issued December 15, 2006. What the issuing of the CWL means to the public is that I went through a background check through the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, The Oklahoma State Department of Mental Health, Tulsa County Sheriff's Department, F.B.I. and who knows, maybe Homeland Security.
Having spent endless hours reading and researching the Federal and State Laws, including the Oklahoma Firearms Act, the Oklahoma Self Defense Act, and the United States Code concerning the carrying and transport of a firearm, I felt that I knew far more than the average CWL holder and complied with those laws.
While at work on May 02, 2007, I was terminated from West Corporation here in Tulsa. The reason: Violating West’s policy of having a firearm on their premises (in the trunk of my car, locked up), which I freely admitted, because according to the above-mentioned laws on the books, I was completely legal in having the firearm in my car trunk and even produced my CWL to West personnel. I had planned to go to Tulsa Firearms Academy to practice that evening with friends.
West has a policy of hiring anyone, no drug or background checks.
I was in complete compliance with all known State and Federal laws, having a firearm in my vehicle. Yet, West Corporation terminated me.