If you want to have the WORST dental experience of your life, go to any Western Dental.
1. You will be lied to about what services will be given to you.
2. You will be lied to about the cost.
3. If you have any kind of complaint at all, you will be lied to, and told: "We have never had a compliant like this before".
4. You will be lied to regarding the quality of their dental services.
5. You will continue to be billed and harassed even after you pay.
6. If you file a complaint with them, it will do you ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD.
7. If you file a complaint with ANY agency; Ca Dental Board, BBB, Consumer Complaints, Attorney General, Etc... It will do you ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD, because they are swamped with Western Dental complaints, and don't have time to answer yours.
8. If you go to court and WIN, you will NEVER get your money.
I was one of the "Stupid Ones" that even after reading complaints on the internet thought; “Oh they can't do that to me!" I was DEAD WRONG! Bottom line is, after reading this message, if you still decide to go to Western Dental, I feel sorry for you. You must want to experience: Abuse, Pain and Punishment.