WD says that its software is compliant and compatible with Apple Macintosh. It shows their logo on their site. In fact, the stuff is NOT compatible with Apple Macintosh computers. To remove their software, a user has to literally erase the disk the software was installed on not before the software apparently burrows its way into the operating system such that no known utility or software can find it to remove it. It's not just that this does not adhere to Apple's software development standards for 3rd party developers, it's that it wreaks havoc on the computer and can ruin a hard disk in that the software runs constantly in the background - yes, even after you've removed any semblance of it (even the Apple technicians at Apple's Genius Bar could not get the software off of the Macintosh disk it was installed on re my experience with this company's crap). HORRIBLE product and they of course don't offer any support of it.
Absolutely horrendous.