After extensive research on accreditation and other distance learning degree programs (online), I have come to find that MOST schools have MANY negative complaints. Westwood is accredited like ITT tech and Devry. Yes!!! Credits do transfer!!!, depending on the next institution you chose. Regionally Accredited schools also want YOUR MONEY! Why wouldn't they. Do ask to get why they won’t accept credits in writing and DO YOUR HOMEWORK BY RESEARCHING THE BEST SCHOOL TO TRANSFER TO. It is up to you to take your life by the ropes. Do you think a job will be handed to you because you have ANY piece of paper (degree) from ANY College, regional or national accredited, NO. What I have learned is you get out on what you put in, which is the truth. If you are a student that only works mediocrity levels your portfolio will reflect that and so your job opportunities will diminish. DO US ALL A FAVOR, research, research, research!
I have a bachelor’s degree from WESTWOOD COLLEGE ONLINE INTERIOR DESIGN PROGRAM. I WORK FOR THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. I pushed myself 150% through school, did not give up, did not blame, took responsibility for MY life and used what I LEARNED through my experience at Westwood. I can tell you what got me hired: My Interview, my portfolio, and my experience, NOT the school I attended. For a short time I attended a school that was Regional (WASC), National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), and even Council for Interior Design Accreditation (formerly FIDER) as a Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), that school was BIG money for less personal challenges. It is important to educate yourself as you will become aware of if you decide to get your degree through distant learning methods.
I hope that this has helped you make your decision, I would advise that before you chose your school of choice search that school name with "reviews" after, as you should do for many other schools offering the degree your interested in, and read. Read ALL the negatives reviews that all students find through ANY school. Some valid complaints some I found as the "whiny kid syndrome" that only last maybe a semester because they can't take the pressure and it must be the schools fault not theirs, right? WRONG! The reason you find a few positive reviews on any site is because most of us have jobs or are gaining experience through internships or out networking. I have finally taken the time to write something as I am not trying you SELL you Westwood but SHOW you that it can be done with hard work regardless of what school you end up choosing. Happy hunting everyone! :0