I began working for this crazy person a few weeks ago! He had me on the phones dialing without a telemarketing license, it was clear he did not know what he was doing at all! The 2nd day i became very ill maybe because he did not clean the phone from the person before me?
I had my husband call in due to my illness, he asked was i bi-polar? Strange question to ask when someone calls in ill, he went into hiding and called me to come back and work for him with a verbal agreement, salary etc. after two weeks of seeing unsteady behavior and promises made to clients and never delivered. I began to ask my self maybe he is the one with severe issues.
Even though i revamped his entire company and had to email the list for the next morning due to unorganization on his part, i worked an extreme amount of hours and dedication to him for no pay (he cried poor all the time) said he only had 36 dollars in his account and stressed me out to death. Meanwhile he is buying chairs and desks and telling the employees please do not cash the check please wait a while. He continues his unstable behavior especially with one person hiring then firing the same day, changing her pay daily from hourly to minutel to salary based on his selfish needs. While also when certain people not around he would talk poor of them. Due to the unstable enviroment and hearing rumors and seeing for myself his unstableness with clients and employees i could no longer remain a part of this.
I called in late contemplating how i would let him down and contemplating how he would react. When i got a call from someone i finally decided to show up and demand my full check due to me by cash since i could not trust him at all. He called the cops on a 5 feet tall petite girl, yup and the officer basically laughed at him and said in a round a bout way (we have more important things to do) which i agree!!! I left and said i will be back to collect my pay, I just found out as per usual his unsteady behavior ripped off yet another person with violation to verbal agreement heard in front of many and repeated in front of many. This person the CEO cannot be trusted!! I do not and know i will not get paid what i am fully owed in fact i can predict what he will do be sure to check out you tube i might video the hilarious act he will pull!!
LIAR!! I wonder who the true bi-polar person is??? and by the way he had a little accident and tried to pull insurance fraud and pocket extra cash, you determine if he can be trusted.