Purchased a Maytag front load washer from SEARS in July 2005. There was always mold forming in it and a swampy stench, but thirty six months later the computer board went due to the moisture. Sears informed me that the part would be $500.00 plus whatever other parts and labour.
I refused this and started to look on the net for the computer board and found out that this is a KNOWN PROBLEM with this make and model number and also found out that this model was included in the Class Action Lawsuit against Maytag. SO WHY WAS THIS MAYTAG WASHER ON SEARS SHOWROOM FLOOR FOR SALE IN THE FIRST PLACE??? When I called Sears they informed me they were unaware of this problem and said that it wasn't on any recall list and they weren't going to do anything and I should bring this up with Maytag(Whirlpool) which I did and was passed back and forth for a month until I brought the Toronto Star news paper on board and they did an artical on me and my moldy machine. It was at this point that Whirlpool came in with an offer of $500.00 for my machine; they said that due to the fact that I've had 3 years enjoyment of the machine they feel that this was a fair offer. I told them" NO" because I purchased a matching set and had not intended to have a mismatch and a fair offer would have been to give me a full refund. They told me to get in touch with them if I change my mind. I will not! As I was put through HELL, just trying to get someone to listen to me at both SEARS and MAYTAG was very difficult and found that they both use the same wording when talking about this product.
I am so MAD right now.
I'm an artist and have decided to use the moldy washer in an art installation. I'm leaving the stench and mold and will have infant clothing crawling out of the washers asshole which will be seeping black ooz, beside the washer there will be an 8 foot DOUCHE to depicted the customer service exectutive team at SEARS and WHIRLPOOL. ( there will be a sign to inform people and tell the story) The sculpture will also be interactive for patrons to place their complaints in and I will use them in the sculpture by hanging them in the air and placeing them around the floor. I think art can have a huge voice when used properly. My sculpture is going to shout!
I think it's the fact that both SEARS and WHIRLPOOL deny accountability and deny that there was ever anything wrong with this product, this is what really makes me mad.
I have received thousands of letters regarding this product and will use them in my installation...
I have already finished the maqette and have galleries interested in displaying my sculpture, they really like the idea.
Please send me your stories or complaints and I will put them in the sculpture...
Bye for now