I am the owner of two websites, MIG - Missouri Investigators Group (http://ufomig.bravehost.com) and UFORN - UFO Research Network (http://uforn.bravehost.com) both of which have been up and running and on the Internet for 10 years. MIG is dedictaed to UFO Research and Investigation with articles and investigative reports. UFORN has articles on the Ed Walters/Gulf Breeze hoax.
Wikipedia has a search category called UFO Groups/Organizations. Under this category they have allowed UFOINFO and ABOUT (ABOUT being clearly a paid website) which are similar in content to MIG and UFORN, however neither MIG nor UFORN are allowed in Wikipedia. Each time I have uploaded the URLs they have been removed saying that Wikipedia is not "a repository of links section", if not, then why allow ABOUT and UFOINFO? I have been through this before with these people on another issue and the UFO article I submitted onthe Gulf Breeze hoax was denied admittance. Wikepedia is nothing more than a bunch of arrogant, egocentered males who use the "guidelines" any way they want to to keep out anything they dont like.