Order #7700529929 1 Norton360 upgrade with 2 year subscription $114.99
1 Estended Dowload Service 19.99
I had you do the download for me - after 6-7 hrs had the memo that dowload was completed.
When I clicked on the icon Norton 360 I received the message "File is corrupt".
It seems to me that I shou;ld have you send the package so I can install it her.
re Order #4582943614 1 Norton 360 Version 2.o Premier Edition Upgrade $79.99
1 Extended Dowload Service 8.99
This may have been accomplished but I am undertain about it. If you can help this to be resolved
I will deeply appreciate it. I submitted this information 2 times to [email protected] without
response. I am feeling very frustrated with my experience with Norton Antivirus and Symantec.
William Kastning, [email protected]