Don't listen to a thing they say about your Loan, Make sure it is writing. When you tell the finance arm of this cold and disconcerted builders to lock your rate make sure they DO IT! They bait and switched me after 2 months of delays on my hame that were entirely the builders fault and put me in a loan that was the highest rate of the week because they did not lock 2 months earlier when told to at 1.25% less. At closing "take it of or leave it" was the attitude, I should have left it but was homeless since selling my old house and living in temporary dwelling until they finally got clearance to move into my new home. Also the builder incentives were pocket switches that really didn't benefit me in anyway since it was fictitious money they just padded they're profit and defrauded uncle sam and the bank out of a portion of the proceedes.
Finally, they don't honor the final walk through list of "we Owes" because they let the employee go when the business fell off and til this day have not finished repairs to the structure that are not up to standard.