September 24, 2008
Wilshire the $50 doorknock companY
I never like this company, i was charged $50 for door knocks, for being a week late on my morgage..after i called them and told them, i was laid-off from my job, which was very momentary!
i would go-on and on and detail these ass-wipes coming to my home on serveral occassions.. strangers looking into my front-room window, writing my house-numbers on my front window, pulling up in my drive-way as if they really owned my home--sadly they did, after these unfriendly strangers whom they hired to attack me for a morgage payment. I gave up reasoning with them..well the near was very apparenT..last year 08-07 i was told my morgage was going up, okay from a total of 970.00 t0 1400 (by the way went up twice in 6 months) and whatever cents...this morgage of mine is divided into separate payments which is two separate companines, ..Wilshire was the worst of the worst..the other one did'nt really bother me-but they became crooked to after a while-they were--> Equity, and their another story..lets just talk about the company of the worst kind-Wilshire..anyway..to make a long story short..I got the happy white-card-board whitepaper stuck to my door, sheirff sale-and date on the letter..yes it was forecloser time for me..So my alternative-Bankrupcy-chapter 7. So where am i now, reading stories about this ratt-the wilshire company and all complaints of endless piles of complaintients indicating victim-hood, yes i've been hit by the wilshire-victim hood-bug. i am still in my home currently, haven't paid them in since 10-07..i feel somewhat redeemed but sadden that i don't know whats next..through a number of unpleasent events i suffered an neck injury which resulted from -a car accident, didn't helped that. And i'm just sitting here as a lone-duck. i would like to know of anyone else who's where i'm at with this dilimea. I live in MIchigan home to the worst unemployment rate in the country..oh the plot just thickens..My theory reinstate all home owners to their property or give them a chance to get into another home, with fair pratices of owning a home-this would boost the home-market back-up..empty homes don't equal a happy community!
Wilshire and many other corporate raTTS devasted the industry with their Greed, not the American homeowner