I have a student loan in default for 13000 dollars. Acount is about 7 months past due due to unemployment. I called them and they said the loan will only be in their office for 30 days before they send it out for assett and income evaluation to begin a judgment and garnishment against my Brother-in-law (co-signer) and I.
I offered to set up a payment plan but they refused to do anything other than the terms they set which was a 2000 dollar down payment and high payemtns for 24 months at 10% to settle a debt that was originally taken on a 15 year repayment plan.
I had another loan for twice as much from the same company that got sold to a differnt agency and they offered me a long term 80/month repayment at only 3% and were very nice on the phone unlike Windham's agents.
They will not help in any way!