I ordered three bedroom windows from Window City through Macro Renovation, it's premier dealer on November 2010.
We were surprised to know that they are not safe at all. The sashes will fall out from their frames when I tilt them out. This is extremely unsafe and it has hurt my hand on the first day. This has been acknowledged as factory issue, not usual case.
Two time inspections from factory were arranged, but nothing that they can do, as this is design flaw. They agreed that this could be due to large size of the windows.
My windows are now unsafe and their tilt-out feature is practically useless. Moreover, it is really not easy to put the sash back to its frame alone by unskilled person, once it falls out.
Our official written complaint about safety to the manufacturer has been sent and they have taken it lightly. I am considering to take a legal action to the manufacturer.
I strongly do not recommend consumer to buy their products, considering their product design quality and service.