It is an absolute shame when this company claims to have a winning lottery and ask for money as you have Won, SCAM... send me $600.00 and you will get your winnings of $5000, 000.00. Unfortunately in the case of my father in law, who lives alone, lives off Social Security and his VA benefits believes in this company. As of today he has paid you $600.00 for his winnings, of which he has never seen. Mr. Michael Brown, if that is even your real name, I hope your sleep at night. What you and your boss Mr. Joseph McElroy are doing is wrong. Taking advantage of the elderly who will talk to anyone including you and your SCAM of a business truly believes that they have WON. After speaking to you myself, with in the first 30 seconds I thought I was going to be sick. What you are doing is Horrifying! As you stated Mr. Brown you have a family and you are a family man, you take care of your family from money you SCAM from others, WHAT A LOOSER OF A MAN YOU ARE AND FATHER! WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND