After speaking with numerous of students and friends of
Winston-Salem State University, we believe Winston-Salem State
University inconspicuously confiscates most of students title IV funds
to keep and save money in their pockets.
Also after speaking with numerous of students and friends of
Winston-Salem State University, it's been proven that Winston-Salem
State University denies and refuses some in-state students; in-state
tuition after living in North Carolina at least a year or two. It has
also been proven that Winston-Salem State University denies and
refuses many eligible low income students work study jobs, just to
keep and save money in their pockets. We also believe this is going on
at other Historically Black colleges and regular college and
universities as well. I have already reported these issues to the University of North Carolina system, the better business bureau, the consumer complaints board, ripoff and U.S. president Barack Obama and his administration.