Wirefly is advertising free phones for Signing a 2 year contract with the providers of our choice. The phone cost me almost $300.00 in the long run, after agreement details, such as agent fees? Wirefly provided insurance through NCOA which declared (formally) that they were bankrupt. I got the plan, the phone, the insurance. The deposit?, ended up as an agents fee! The insurance went bankrupt, AT&T claimed (by one of their representatives, that they didn't know of any comany Wirefly. Excuse me? Advertising. Co-op advertising.
AT&T got my signature, and two years of service. Wirefly got their "agent fees", NCOA, I am sure got their money too.
Me, I had my phone stolen, was relieved I had bought the insurance only to find out that NCOA, IF THEY COULD be contacted, sent along a form to fill out for a reimbursement request. Have not heard a word since last October, 2008. Wirefly? Who knows! Great.
Nothing in this world is FREE! Wirefly?
Kim E Goraya
AT&T? Big company for one person to handle. So, where to go? I believe I saw a blog on a civil suit.