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Category: Websites
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Wirefly.com Reviews
July 21, 2011
Horrible customer service
Basically, my problems stem from information that isn't present on the website prior to ordering. First, there is no way to ship items to different addresses (I was upgrading a family plan and one phone was destined for a child living at college). But that only became a problem because of the second item missing from the initial webpage. The phones are automatically activated within 24 hours of receipt. If everyone lives at the same address, that's great. But if someone lives over 200 miles away, that is a huge problem, since they won't have their phone when it goes live.
During my multiple attempts to resolve this (both by chat and on the phone), I was consistently mislead (and lied to- I was told in an email something that didn't happen and when I discussed that with someone I was told that what was in the email was never going to happen).
My child will now have to go to the local Verizon store and hope that they can activate the phone (something that the paperwork that comes with the phone says not to do).
Overall, I can't find it possible to say good things about their service.
July 8, 2011
Stolen Phone
Due to Verizons's upcoming change in Data Plan pricing I decided it was about time to update from my Blackberry to a Droid. Months earlier I had upgraded my wife's blackberry to a droid though dell without any issues. Wirefly had the LG Revolution for about $100 dollars cheaper than Verizon was offering it for. I fell for the savings and ordered the phone through Wirefly via their phone service. Two business days and a holiday later the box arrived via fedex, the package had a depression under the opening however the tape was still intact. As I opened the actual phone box it felt a little light but I continued and to my surprise no phone was inside. Instantly I called wirefly spoke to a customer service rep and was told that I had two options, have them hold $250 on my card and resend the package with a signature request, or escalate the complaint and have upper management waive the $250. The fact that wirefly would send the package without a signature request is beyond me. I've filed a complaint with fedex and am also considering calling the police. It has been two days and I am still awaiting a call back from wirefly as to what is the status of the phone. Honestly if I had just sucked it up and went with Verizon I would have avoided all of this headache. Way too much stress to spend your hard earned money.
January 13, 2010
Not a credible site
Last night I was told by a friend that I could get a cell phone from this company called wirefly.com. I had already tried getting one at verizon, but they wanted a $400 deposit to initiate a contract. My friend told me that she got hers without a credit check, nor a deposit. To me this sounded like a fantastic deal, because I feel that you should not have to provide credit information for personal communication anyway.
Today, Jan 12, 2009, I got on the website and found this great deal. Brand new LG Chocolate for free, and starting at $40 for a simple plan. At first I was skeptical about this, so I carefully took my time to muse around the site and find some sort of "catch" in the system. I could not find one, and everything looked pretty legitamate to me. I went on ahead and placed the order for my phone, and chose the plan I wanted. I was so excited, finally, my own cell phone plan, I was walking on clouds.
I then went to check my e-mail later and found an e-mail from the company(wirefly.com), and it gave me a phone number to call to complete my transaction. Once again, I was excited, this is legit, finally I'm gonna get my own phone and plan.
I proceeded to call the number and began speaking with a representative. He said that I had been approved and all I needed to do was pay $400 up front for a deposit and it would be credited back to me after a year of good standing with the company(verizon). Wait...Did he just ask me to pay $400 up front for a deposit?
I started thinking back to when I ordered the phone, and I remembered no such a thing being stated on the website. I was madly confused, as I had read the TOS agreement, and all the other T&C list. No where did it list that I would have to pay any sort of "possible" deposit of any kind, the only thing I read was that they would give me 181 days to prove myself as a customer. I was fine with that, I can make my payments on time, thats not a big deal to me.
I then asked the man that was assisting me, "why are you asking me for a deposit, your website didn't state anything about, even a possible, deposit?" He then began trying to explain to me that I would have to talk to Verizon about the issue because they only give out the phones and thats all, and there was nothing they can do. This really upset me. I asked him again, "why is this not stated on your site when I signed up for the phone?" His only response was "I'm sorry" and then he repeated the previous statement he made. I asked him the same question again, his response, the same. By this time I was flaming, but I kept my cool and explained to him that if I have to pay a deposit, or even a "possible" deposit, it should be stated on the site. He apologized repeated the statement he'd already made.
Realizing that he was not being attentive to my complaints, as he lacked significant understanding to them, I explained to him that I understand what he's saying, but my issue was, "why is there no mention of this anywhere on the site?" Once again, he repeated his initial statement. This went on for about 15 minutes before he suggested I talk to a supervisor. I told him fine, as long as I get my phone and I don't have to pay for a deposit, because that was not mentioned when I applied for the phone.
I work in a customer service position, and one thing I have learned is that when a company is blatanly in the wrong, it is there job to make sure that the consumer is properly taken care of and that the issue is made right. I understand there are some things that you can't control in a company, but I also understand that the company is to fix the problem between them and the consumer, at the company's expense and not the consumers.
Finally I was on the phone with his "supervisor", who was a lady that gave me the same "run-around" as he did. I kept making it known that the website, wirefly.com, does not mention anything close to any sort of "possible" deposit. All she did was make the same statements the previous man did. I explained to her that I know how customer service works, and when the company is at fault, they are to make sure the consumer is taken care of based on the deal made with the consumer. Once again, I received the same response. I was becoming infuriated with this customer service, not only had I been mislead, but I was also dealing with a company whose associates are not properly educated in the ethics of customer service, even just general ethics for that matter. I made it known that I had already been mislead and lied to based off of the information I was given from the site, not to mention they had taken a dollar out of my account that I never authorized because my statement said "0.00" when I processed my order online.
The only thing she offered to do was to give my dollar back, and put me on the phone with a verizon representative of customer service. Even though the phone was coming from Verizon, my issue was with this company, Wirefly, because of the misleading business promotion they have on their website. She kept saying there was nothing she could do about it, and that her hands were tied. Since I already work in customer service, I know that is a flat out lie because customer service can always do something and fix the issue at hand, especially when the company is knowingly in the wrong.
I let her know that I know how it all works, and that I'm not stupid when it comes to these sorts of matters. Apparently she was sick of talking to me and asked me to hold while she went to go retrieve some more information. When she got back on the phone she announced, "Sir?", my response, "Yes?", then she asked if I was still there. Once again, "Yes." Then she said "Sir?" and I responded, "I'm Here". She then asked, "Are you there?", I then responded, "Yes". Then she hung up on me, and when I tried to call back, I could not reach them because they had cancelled my order, therefore I couldn't reach any customer service representative because my order number had been cancelled.
I'm extremely irritated and aggravated with the fact that this company posted somthing that was blatanly misleading as a legitimate business deal. I feel that any company that does such should be responsible for insuring that the consumer is well taken care of, as is the general custom of "Customer Service". Now I'm here posting this, and I plan on making this known on every public posting site possible, i.e. Facebook, Myspace, Google, Jeeves, Bing, Wiki, and any other place I can think of.
If you happen to come across this, please flag the website www.wirefly.com, as they are not a legitimate business and they operate from outsourcing, which is also an unethical way to business. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope it actually makes some head way, as it should.
November 18, 2009
Poor service
When you go to buy a phone on bestbuy.com or wirefly.com or samsclub.com it routes you to a company that uses wireless customer service as there mail to address in VA, the site states you can get the discount phones on service upgrades as well as new plans. When you call they tell you that you can only get the upgrade if you upgrade your main line. The reason for this is b/c they don't get a big commission for upgrading your secondary family lines. I looked all over the web sites for any indication of this and couldn't find anything? When I asked them why it didn't inform me of this before I called and wasted my time they said that they didn't have to and that my provider wasn't offering me a discount on the phone so I could pretty well take it or leave it. I thought it was just bestbuy's online but found out they handle mulitple retail locations and I frankly think they are doing a very pooor job!
Wendy Z
July 31, 2009
cell phones
I ordered two free phones on my add on lines for upgrading on my Verizon plan. When I received the bill it was charging me 99.99 a month for both phones when they should have only been charging 9.99 per phone. They claimed that I agreed to it when I absolutely did not. They claimed the phones were not free on add on lines when in fact their ad said they were. It took three weeks to get the phone. I was on hold on Customer Service for 3 hours and never did get through. Their online help gets me to somewhere in India where the people are unable to help whatsoever. I finally got the phones and I realized they pulled a bait and switch and made one of the numbers into a main line in order for them to collect more money from Verizon. I am still not entirely sure what charges will be put on my account. It is very, very scary. They are scam artists. I have now had the phones for over 30 hours but have been unable to use them. They will not activate them even though I am already paying for the service. This company is the worst and should be investigated and shut down.
February 25, 2009
Rip off
I went online to get phone through wirefly for tmobile services. I was told I have to pay for the phones and the first months service in advance. I paid wirefly a total of $523.00. I called Tmobile to next day to set up easy pay and was informed by tmobile that they never recieved any money from wirefly on my behalf and I now had a balance with them. After myself and tmobile contacted them they had no trace of my $523.00 that I paid with my credit card! I canceled the service with wirefly and fedex and told them not to ship the items. Afterwards, wirefly contacted Fedex and had them to ship the items anyway! I refuse the items and sent them back, I called wirefly to ask about my money and they lied and told me I had to get my money from tmobile, but tmobile never got any money from wirefly. I had to contact my bank for the bank to credit my account and retrieve the funds back from wirefly.com.
Please Beware People, Don't Buy Anything From Wirefly.com
It is a SCAM!!!
January 3, 2009
Terrible experience
After spending 30 minutes ordering phone & service thru this ATT service provided, the last thing they asked me for was my SS #. I explained that it was just common sense not to give it out over the phone as I did not really know who I was talking to nor did I know what they were going to do with it after using it for a 'credit report'.
The Indian lady I talked to ordering the phone was very nice and somewhat efficient, but the Indian 'manager' she referred me to after my refusal needed more training. He said they had been asking for SS# for 5 years. So what? They obviously had had many refusal, yet they had not come up with some work around.
When I finally ordered from ATT direct they are happy with just my last 4 SSS # digits. Of course wirefly.com is free to conduct their business anyway they want to, however since it is certainly a sticking point with most people wirefly should be upfront and tell people that they will have to give their SS # if they want to place an order. This would save not only me the time I spent but also their own operation would be more efficient. (Unless they know that most people end up giving the # as they have already spent so much time.)
Either way wirefly.com has no INTEGRITY to be upfront & forthright!! In fact if they cannot solve such a fairly simple problem it makes one think twice about doing business with them at all - i.e. dumb companies do dumb things!. Unless of course they are using the SS # for some other nefarious purpose that makes it pay off for them to lose the time in the unsuccessful sales.
May 1, 2008
50$ Mail rebate for Sprint PCS. Rebate is invalid if Selling price of phone less then mail in rebate.
customer service miss guide users. Beware of wirefly mail in rebate
November 5, 2007
Horrible company - never use them!
I ordered a phone, accessories, and a plan through wirefly.com. After trying the new cell phone company for about a few days I realized it was not giving me signal were needed it. So, I contacted wirefly and got my return number/information. I packaged EVERYTHING I purchased into the SAME box and shipped it back to wirefly.com. So conveniently for them, they only find two of the items I returned. They were all in the same box! So, after almost two months, and me calling every two days, I got a refund for the only two things the conveniently found. They said they looked and looked and found nothing, and then told me they checked with fedex (why, I dont know) and still "did not receive" all the returned items. So, after spending almost $200, I only got returned like $90. They were horrible to deal with. One guy actually put me on hold in the middle of my sentence! Also, I spoke to a different person each time and it was like the first time I called. I had to explain from the beginning and still get no results or assistance. I asked to speak to a manager and the guy spent forever trying to avoid that, eventually putting me on hold for the so called manager. I waited almost 30minutes and no one picked up. So, just as they were probably hoping, I hung up. NEVER use wirefly.com!! They are scammers and completely unprofessional. They just yes you to death and do nothing!! I will never ever use them again. In fact, they have made me realize that saving some money on a phone and a plan is not worth the hassel. I will never buy a cell phone/service through an online store again!!! BEWARE OF WIREFLY.COM!!!
October 21, 2007
Bad Instrument
I purchased sony erricson 580 i mobile from wirefly.com , they send me intrument but it is not working properly,it goes off often. I called customer care they told me that they will send new battery for phone, but they send me a PHONE COVER insteed of battery, again I called cust. care ,they again they send me some company's HEADPHONE by mistake. now I m calling every 2 day to repair my phone anyhow ,but they are telling me to send battery in 3-4 days. Doing this they passed my 1 and half month and now they say Trial period of is over ,We can't do anything. I m missing phone calls for my job interviews because of swithching off of phone often. what should I do?
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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